
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 04:21:21
你的朋友不守信,请你送哪句名言告诫他? 一个长方形水箱,从里面量长40厘米,宽30厘米,深35厘米.原来水深10厘米,放进一个棱长20 厘米的正方形铁块后,铁块的顶面仍然高于水面,这时水面高多少厘米? 在异乡求学的玛丽非常想念家乡,仰望天空,不由自主印了一句诗—— 你的朋友不守信用,请你送一句名言提醒 一个正多边形的每个内角都为135度,求这个多边形的边数. 正多边形的一个内角为135度,则该多边形的边数为? 被罚抄书怎样才能快速完成?如果怕被老师看到,有什么方法吗? 如何快速抄书 物理学霸, AB两地相距360千米比例尺1:2000000求图上距离 一个正方形铁皮的边长为12分米在他的4个角减去同样大小的正方形后【每个小正方形边长2厘米】正好能焊接成长方体水斗他的容积是多少立方分米? 谁能帮我解答啊, 1到5题答案,快, 沉迷网络的名言警句,要30句哦! 当小朋友沉迷网络时,用一句时间的名言警句来提醒他 你想对沉迷网络游戏的人说什么?(名人名言) 帮帮我嘛,初一的有效数字!1.一根绳子的长度是20.59米,一根铁丝的长度是14米(四舍五入到个位),一棵树的高度是6.7米(精确到十分位),如果哟啊把绳子的长度与他们相比较,那么绳子的长度 英语翻译Measuring the effect of a new point of sale systemon the performance of drugstore operationsAbstractA new electronic point of sale (POS) system was deployed by a Hong Kong drugstore-chain in eight of its drugstores as the 1rst stage of a 英语翻译Tony:Hi,Lingling.What's happening?Are you getting readyfor Spring Festival?Lingling:Yes,we are.Betty:What are the boys doing?Lingling:The boys are learning a dragon dance.Tony:Are you learning a dragon dance,too?Lingling:NO,I'm not.I'm ma 英语翻译What does friendship mean?There is no definite answer.An eternal theme in literature,friendship is also indispensable in daily life.Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher.When you are happy,friendship is just like adding flowers 物理学霸有么? 用来劝诫迷恋网吧、不思进取的同学用什么诗句 人取得成绩后不思进取,你可这样劝告他_._._.(填含"临"的名言、警句、对联三个) 一辆自行车的车轮直径是0.66米.如果这个自行车的车轮平均每分钟转100圈,骑行25分钟能走多少米? 劝戒沉迷网吧的同学的名言警句求求你们了,18周星期4就要开主题班会了! 可以劝戒沉迷网吧的同学的名言警句下个星期要开主题班会,名言或警句 物理学霸你在哪儿 物理学霸在哪里呢? 求物理学霸帮忙. 一辆自行车车轮每分钟转动90圈,刚好能行驶169.56米.这辆自行车车轮的直径是多少米?六年级人教版上册46页列出算式容易懂的 劝人读书的名言 英语翻译Helping and LearningAt our school,we sometimes have a special day to help others.Last year we went to an old people's home and sang songs and performed a play for them.The old people were very happy.We should be allowed to take time to do 哪位好心人帮我翻译下这段文章?As his title indicates, Shang Wei's rambling study does not so much utilize the intellectual history of the time to help illuminate these literary questions as it uses the literary work to help illuminate th