
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 03:47:30
Several times over the past decades 找错:Do you got any book from China?哪错了? month over Nobody but Smith and John ( )in the laboratory yesterday.1.are 2.had been 3.were 4.was原因,最好每个选项都分析 Nobody but John and Helen was absent.这一句话谁是主语,谓语动词由谁决定呢如题 可以说The sheep like eating grasses吗 I hope you get access to YANBIAN NO 1 Middle School and your parents get well suffer 和suffer form 哪个能修饰植物如果要说植物遭受痛苦,用哪一个? How do you find your life here in beijing你是如何发现你生活在北京的?我翻译成这样了,请高手帮我分析该怎么理解这句话. 这是MCFLY 的一句歌词.是倒霉爱神的插曲.里面有“what a beatiful smile can you take for a while what a beautiful night ..哪里下载 Form three dollars to thiry dollars 英语翻译还有一句 Expects show that it is important to have our food organized in this way. I suffer from schizophrenia . Do your parents go to school____their bikes or____bus.A、by;by.B、by;on.C、on;on.D、on;by have lunch ,has lunch ,having lunch ,to have luhave lunch ,has lunch ,having lunch ,to have lunchsam is_at home.i am hungry,i want_.they usually_at one o‘clock.lily always_before 12:30.watch tv,waching tv,watches tv ,to watch tvhe is_now.do you wan before现在完成时before可以和现在完成时的肯定形式一起用吗?用not……ever造句,用现在完成时 将下列词语搭配起来金无足赤 才能是刻苦的忍耐过去属于死神 水滴石穿登高视野远 未来属于自己绳锯木断 坐井观天小前事不忘 后事之师劳动是财富之父 人无完人 suffer from是什么意思 before出现在现在完成时的句子中,是不是要改成过去完成时 几句中英翻译的问题1、当我走进这间屋后,我的眼睛迅速适应了昏暗的房间.可否译成:My eyes quickly adapted to the darkness shortly after entering this room. 或My eyes were quickly accustomed to the ~~~2、他终于承 英语翻译冰箱里除了几瓶果汁外几乎没东西了.可否翻译成:The fridge was almost bare aside from a few bottles of juice. 谁帮我翻译下英语啊.表现这个词,填入下面怎么填啊 What he ______(表现)made us get annoyed. grammartical errors what do you like other animals- make no sense 翻译 邓小平理论是当代中国的 在当代中国,马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论是一脉相承的科学体系,这是因为它们在哪几方面高度统一A.理论基础 B.原则立场 C.思想方法 D.历史革命 “用邓小平理论去观察世界、观察当代中国”体现了以下哲理 ( ) A.物质决定意识 B.意识对物质有反作用 C.物质和运动是不可分的 D.世界的存在和发展是客观的 中英句子对译 几句初中英语的中英翻译昨天他去购物了他去过很多他(另一个他)去过的地方昨天我给他讲了一个故事他们已经去英国了我的作业已经做完了--------------------希望能答几个是几个哦..都翻译成 The days of the week 我想问一下这句怎么翻译成中文 day of the week. go过去式 swim现在分词 was原形 We always go to schogo过去式 swim现在分词was原形We always go to school at 7:00(改一般疑问句) Lingling did her homework at .6:00 yesterday(改一般疑问句)Peter gers up at 6:30 everyday(改一 英语翻译如果爱,请深爱.