
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 16:28:32
谁能帮我翻译一下这首歌呢?come as you arecome ,as you are ,as you were as i want you to be as a friend ,as a friend as an old enemy take your time ,hurry up the choice is your ,dont' be late take a rest ,as a friend as an old memori 形容像荷花一样出淤泥而不染的有哪些词语 荷花出淤泥而不染诗句 世界上经济最强大的发达国家是?世界上最大的发展中国家是? 发达国家与发展中国家的经济地位有何不同? 发达国家与发展中国家的经济方面区别尽量回答得详细一点 She hurried when she knew that everybody was ready ______ her.A.except B.beside C.except for D.besides我分不清楚except 和 except for 有什么不同 什么时候应该用except什么时候应该用except for 望指点迷津 ( )lots of people at the beach in summer. 298.In summer ,people usually ______their holiday at the beach.A.take B.spend C.go 周敦颐的爱莲说中的“出淤泥而不染”和李渔的闲情偶记.芙蕖那句话相似?be quick ,并说说给你的启迪哦 闲情偶寄·芙蕖》中与《爱莲说》中的出淤泥而不染类似的句子是什么?从自荷钱出水之日到 此皆言其可目者也之前的一句并写一句启迪 选择题;——last name is Lope A、she B、Her D、He 发达国家和发展中国家,哪个需要合作?我支持发达国家需要合作,请给我提供一些材料.简洁一些 last name和family name在选择题上选那个好都是同一个意思, 发达国家和发展中国家怎样进行合作 These are peaches改成否定句 ______(who)are these peaches What i ( )his family name? 小学勉励积极向上的诗句 描写奋发向上,积极向上的诗句或诗歌 要整首诗一首诗四句的 急 Tom says he would like ____A.cabbage ,beefs and some tomatoes .B.noodles ,potatoes and some egg.C.cabbage ,tomatoes and some beef.Dbeefs ,muttons and some noodles. Tom knew he would certainly get__if he was late home.Tom knew he would certainly get__if he was late homeA shout at B to shout at C shouted at D to be shouted at选哪个? Tom knew he would certainly get shouted at he was late home? 李渔的芙蕖中什么句子和出淤泥而不染类似 大学英语, 李渔的《芙蕖》中与“出淤泥而不染”类似的句子 大学英语一定要过8级吗?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 根据内容汉译英No trip to San Francisco is complete without a visit to these two places.请根据上面的句子,改改内容,对应下面的两个句子.没有吃过臭豆腐,就没到过武汉.没有吃过羊肉泡馍,就没到过西安. 月亮照着大地(比喻句) 皎洁的月光照在大地上 怎样改成比喻句 把月光照在大地上,大地显得更加静寂这句话改成比喻句怎么改啊快 积极向上的诗句乐观、积极的心态的诗句