
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 02:31:15
描写老友重逢的诗句, 给出下列四个命题,1、若直线A,B是异面直线,B,C是异面直线,则A,C是异面直线.2,若直线A,B相交,B,C相交,则直线A,C相交.3,若直线A//B,则直线A,B与直线C所成角相等.其中真命题是————,若为错误,请 英语教学中如何建立良好的师生关系 英语选择题 i know the man (all of the above ) you talked to in the street just now.选项a. who b. whom c. that d. all of the above 为什么选d 在英语教学中如何建立良好的师生关系 The computer game is b___ the desk and the chair 将the,desk,on,the,is,game,computer将单词重行排列,组成正确的句子 今年Michigan State University难进吗?我很喜欢这所大学,不知道难不难进? that man was seen( )that houseA.enter b.entered C.to enter D.entering The headmaster said that theywoult have( )libiary( ).A. another;built B. other;built C. another;built D. other;building 已知中心在坐标原点的椭圆的长轴与x轴重合,经过点M(1,3/2)其离心率1/2 求椭圆C标准方程 ∫[3x^2/(1+x^2)dx为何是3x-3arctanx+C?∫[3x^2/(1+x^2)dx=∫[3-3/(1+x^2)]dx=3∫[1-1/(1+x^2)]dx=3[(x+c)-(arctanx+c)]=3x-3arctanx为何正确答案后面还有加C呢 A,B是异面直线 这个命题对吗命题 存在无数个平面与A,B都平行 The area of our school is---------(大三分之一)than that of theirs1.The area of our school is---------(大三分之一)than that of theirs2.They produce millions of those every years,--------(其中大部分)are sold abroad(most) the dog is s_____ of strangers.Our school d_____that school at basketball. ADC12与dc04的区别 dc04冷轧板的延伸一般是多少? Don't ______(go) into the classroom without a teacher. can,we,go,into,the,teacher,without,the,classroom.连词成句 We can't go into the classroom without the teacher.为什么用 without 圆周率的意义圆周率已经用计算机计算到小数点后面好几百万位了.那这样做的意义在哪儿呢? 分别是为了下次的重逢吗 判断曲线y=1/2xx在(1,1/2)处是否有切线,如果有,求出切线方程怎么求? 英语句子成分划分He didn't come.That is why he didn't know 相遇在人海.聚散在重逢之外是什么意思 忽然想下一场雪,把整个世界冻结..如果我们相遇在人海,静静地走开,不说再见 这是什么歌? i went to museums or i went to museum 如果是i went to the ()呢? He went to a museum.He went to the museum.怎么翻译. The teacher _the students on a tour through the art museum.选项madeletforcedtook选出正确答案,给出理由 英语翻译General Re's pretax underwriting gain went strongly into the black.这句话该怎么翻译呢? 一道很简单的高一函数题,求值域.求函数y=(四分之一)^x-(二分之一)^x+1在x属于[-3,2]上的值域. 简单函数值域的问题(高一)我现在只学了最基本的函数值域问题(连反函数都没学),我记得有几个是什么判别试法和什么区间法,求其他几个基本的函数值域及其求法,最好有详细过程,谢谢