
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:29:12
Do you have lots of__(fun) at today's party The traveler didn’t know_________which direction to go.A.in B.at C.to D./ If a man wants you,nothing can keep him away.If he doesn't,nothing can make him stay.翻译 you can do nothing to help him,.you?这是个反义疑问句,后面用can you?还是can't you?为什么? 上班族怎样学英语.实践过的来说说建议今年六月份刚大学本科毕业.之前的英语一直不好.就勉强过了四级,基础还是有的,现在在外地上班.晚上的时间想拿来学英语.每天学2、3个钟大概.希望这 雅思英语口语哪个地方教得好?有比较的吗? 仿句.蓝蓝的天上飘着的浮云像一块一块红绸子,映在还乡河上,像开了一大朵一大朵鸡冠花. 蓝蓝的天上飘着浮云像一块块红绸子,映在还乡河上.像开了一大朵一大朵鸡冠花的仿写注意是两个像 蓝色的天上飘着的浮云像一块一块的红绸子,映在还乡河上,河水像开了一大朵一大朵的鸡冠花.用两个像字再写一个句子. 求答案3、按要求完成下列句子.(8分) ①蓝色的天上,飘着的浮云像一块块红绸子,映在还乡河上. 缩句:_3、按要求完成下列句子。(8分) ①蓝色的天上,飘着的浮云像一块块红绸子,映在 :蓝色的天上,飘着的浮云像一块块绸子映在还乡河上如何缩句 改病句.Do you think Mary have a TV? Do you think multiculturalism in Australia enables migrants from other countries to have equality?and why? 英语翻译i finally undestand that we need to share the housework to have a clean and comfortablehome,i repiled 英语翻译只要天气好我们就去野餐(翻译英文)We'll go for a picnic ___ ___ ___the weather is fine 明天你为什么要早起?因为我和同学要去野餐 英语翻译 参考词汇(get up early)(because,have a picnic) There are many Christmas cards____but I didn't know which one to buy.A.to choose B.to choose fromC.for choosing B 天上飘着白云(扩句)(并改为比喻句) 1,Turn right at the corner and then walk __ for 2 minutes.2,I'm __ to death(死亡).在横线上填一个单词在今晚8点前答复.快快. Shall we have a picnic at the weekend?如何改为同义句?Shall we have a picnic at the weekend?如何改为同义句? Shall we have a picnic at at the weekend?的同义句 Shall we have a picnic on the weekend?(改为同义句) 1. We’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday _____ it rains or it’s very cold.A. since B. if C. unless D. until 答案为什么是D?难道是标准答案变得“不标准”? 连词成句to,how,tell,me,you,come,let 《骆驼祥子》以祥子买车又卖车的三起三落为线索展开故事情节,结构简单而缜密,情节安排的错落有致,扣人心弦.第一次:第二次:第三次: 几缕流云的意思 Last Christmas 原唱是谁~我知道事实就是Last Christmas 原唱是Wham,但是我怎么下到了一个beatles唱的,beatles貌似比Wham早成立20多年,而且听起很像...是歌曲标错了呢,还是什么翻唱什么的?.. last christmas是谁唱的 这首歌最早是谁唱的?有很多版本,HILARY,ASHLEY.哪个是最先唱的? 《last christmas》的原唱是谁?就是BOA和EXILE都唱过的 beyond the I'm sorry to have to inform you that y