
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 08:09:46
who is the man worse to believe in? 尿为什么呈黄色?有时,病愈尿会呈淡黄色.为什么?无色又说明什么? 用夸张的修辞手法描写木兰矫健雄姿的句子是什么 急 ( )me carefully ,or you won't be able to ( )anythingA.listen;hear B.hear;listen C.listen to;hear heard of和heard by 什么意思 Why does the author say it's impossible to sum up the British people with a few simple phrases 求被动变主动:She was never heard to sing so well.变成:We ______________________sing so well. let is give him a CD He is stubborn.He doesn't give up easily.___ ____ ___him___ ___give up easily. It's hard to imagine that such a millionaire wears a w____ coat. I can only give much more trouble RT 等比数列a5-a1=15 a4-a2=6 求通项公式及前n项和(过程) 革命战争时期英雄人物.(除董存瑞、黄继光以外).说他是干了什么事的!短一点的!我加悬赏分10 已知an是等比数列,a1+a4=12且a2+a5=15,则公比q=? I didn't bring back anything from Malaysia.(I didn't bring back anything from Malaysia.( ) at all Why not?填不定代词 You didn't learn anything from soap operas 同义句You didn't learn anything from soap operas 同义句 找不同类:掩耳盗铃 亡羊补牢 画蛇添足 买椟还珠 i didn’t buy anying special form itsly.同义句 仿写浪之歌 雨之歌 新标准英语第十一册M1 U1的英文和翻译 (1/3)Mr.hopkins has not yet answered my question()i can go with him to() Mr.hopkins has not yet answered my question()i can go with him to()he calls the underground 连下treasure house next week 第二个空为什么要选 what 而不选where啊 请赐教 鲁人锯竿入城 鲁人锯竿入城 可以怎么拿 鲁人锯竿入城的寓意? 鲁人锯竿入城 翻译以及一些题目1·你觉得鲁国的持长竿者是怎样的人文中的老父是那些人的代表?你喜欢这样的人吗?谈谈你的看法. 英语翻译 英语提问:系表结构后面可以连接宾语或状语吗,系表结构相当与谓语.1、有人说系表结构后可以加名词、动名词、不定式等做宾语.即:系动词+表语+宾语(名词、动名词、不定式),例句:be 空间中三个平面两两相交于三条直线,这三条直线两两不平行,证明此三条直线必相交于一点. 主系表结构后可以加宾语吗?既然系表合起来相当于谓语,那么系表结构后可以加宾语吗?如果不可以加请帮忙分析该句话的结构,不区分大小写了.the local people were joyfully surprised to find the price of 《鲁人锯竿入》词翻译 填空You --------- LiIy,right?监字可加哪些偏旁并组词?