
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 02:04:19
奥巴马曾先后就读哥伦比亚大学和哈佛大学用英语怎么说有三空,介词是in 优美的旋律英文单词绝对就是一个单词!不是词组什么的以前查过,现在忘了! 音乐“优美的旋律”用英语怎么说 翻译:这首歌有十分优美的旋律,令人遐想如题 优美的旋律,请介绍几首好的吧 英语翻译one day a poor farmer was taking a bag of rice to town suddenly the bag fell off his horse.he didn't know what do to because it was too heavy fo him to carry by himself.he only hoped that somebody would help him.just then a man riding a h 中级口译和英语四级就是想问问~学哪个比较好!如果口译读出来了考英语四级还会有难度么? 英语翻译Passage Four Question 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.There are many factors which may have an influence on adults and children being able to lead a healthy life.Nowadays,people are very busy.Often,both parents work outside th 上海中级口译,本人英语只有四级水平. What ___you ____(do) over the weekend ,Joy? What are you going to do at the weekend?What do we need?What about.?Can you bring...?要怎样回答?并且写出来 亚洲的地形对气温、降水的影响 分析北美地形对降水的影响 亚洲的地形特征如何?对亚洲气温,降水会有什么影响? 请问mar、sep、Fed分别代表几月份?再请告诉我一月到十二月的全部月份英语缩写,就像这三个一样的. 我明天就给您发货!用英语怎么说? 牛郎织女缩写 《牛郎织女》缩写300字左右,````` 九月简写是Sept还是Sep?急! 林肯我想对你说作文buhui 英语翻译这是一篇不怎地难的文章,但是我不会...I live in a very big city.Our life here is very c______,but we have a very big problem here:We have traffic a____here nearly every day.In the past six m____-from July to December,1,876 p 英语翻译University of Hong Kong(HKU)has set up its Mobile Learning Platform(移动教学平台)recently.It will make teaching and learning e_1_.The students can go into Mobile Learning Platform on computer.They can ask some questions t_2_the pl 英语翻译 林肯激励了我 作文主要写林肯有什么事激励了我......他说过什么能鼓励我们一定要成功的名言 读了这篇短文后,你想对林肯对自己说点什么 牛郎织女(一)牛说的话 苏教版六年级上册中13课《牛郎织女》缩写150字左右. 牛郎织女》 what drinks () she prefer A.does B.will c.do What does she do at the weekend?求翻译 英语翻译Once Napoleon stayed in a small inn.The next morning,he went to thank the innkeeper."You,have served me well,innkeeper,"said Napoleon."I wish to reward you.Tell me what you want.""Sir,we want nothing,"said the innkeeper."But will you tell 英语翻译