
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:40:55
史记·项羽本纪》:“距关,毋内诸侯,“ 距和内 翻译 the english 史记·项羽本纪》:“距关,毋内诸侯,翻译 I have no limbs, no parts inside. But two teeth like an elephant goad. The one who bears me I hold still. What am I? 谜底是什么啊? I often thought that there were no resources left inside me with which to keep going是什么意思?...I often thought that there were no resources left inside me with which to keep going是什么意思?谢谢! takes和books的读音相不相同 求求各位大哥大姐这题怎么做 一个人起什么名字,往往打上了时代的烙印.春秋时期,许多人常常以“牛”“耕”作为名、字.例如,孔子弟子司马耕,字子牛;晋国大力士姓牛,字子耕.(1)这反映出当时的什么社会现象?(2)当 求各位大哥大姐,帮我做一下. 华家商店销售一批同一型号的电风扇,按高于进价20%的价格售价,预计获利9000元.由于其中的20台外表有些损伤,这20台按销售价打八五折卖出,因此实际获利只有预计获利的94%.这批电风扇共多少 stone animal什么意思 以S打头,以L结尾的共六个字母的表示工作地点的单词 He is aclever boy变感叹句 I think roses are the most beautiful of all .转换同义句()my() roses are the most beautiful of all She is the one who sells the candy.这句话有疑问?为什么中间用who,不是以为开头用的么?为什么用2个the?以为=疑问 打错字 初中英语求达人解答the的用法A short time before,great trees had covered the countryside for miles around.In place of the great trees which had been growing htere for centuries.上面两句为什么第一句有the第二句没有the呢?in th 初中英语12:用a,the填空_____english language we know today is quite different from______language used about sixhundred years ago._________lot of words were borrowed form french and german after___year 1400.as english people bagan t travel aroun other/the otherThe woman has a bag in her right hand.What's in her _____ hand?填other还是the other啊?那other应该怎么用呢,麻烦写个例句 1.We often see him ___(walk)with a girl after school.2.___ walk on the moon in their life.A.No one can B.Some people can't C.Few can 3.Please make sure when the plane ____.A.leaves B.arrives C.takes off I often see him ____(walk) aftre supper 英语翻译请翻译成英语:去睡觉吧,明天还要上班呢或者:请去睡觉吧,明天还要工作呢 英语翻译他习惯于早睡早起 Alice is tall,but she isn一撇t _____ Candy.A.as tall as B.as taller as C.so tall than D.as taller than They were playing on the slide,landing on the green grass.1)请问分词得主语是哪个?是They还是slide 孔子推崇的为人的原则是什么 孔子推崇的做人之道包括哪些方面?答案要简明扼要 I prefer being outside我们英语书上有这样一句话.请问being在这是什么意思.它的翻译又是什么?怎么用的? I prefer being outside.Maria says 合并成一句Will you walk to school?She asked me合并成一句What are they doing I didn't know合并成一句Do you know how I can go to the library改为同义句We spent two days finishing the work 改为同 I prefer being outside.John says.将两句合为一句是否有时态变化?为什么? I prefer ( ) outside on sundays .为什么是 being 而不是to be?prefer to do 和prefer doing 不都行么 I prefer ______(be) outside industry trade papers是什么意思