
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 19:26:07
Every man has his gift这句话怎么翻译最好,最贴切? l have found none of them to be any good.为什么是“to be any"?Ihave found none of them to be any good.为什么是“to be any"? 英语翻译对不起,打错了,就是 any Although all of the apples_____,none of them____good.这个问题的选项是 A.have been tasted;tasteB.have been tasted;are tastedC.have tasted;tasteD.have tasted;are tasted会做的朋友能给我讲清楚点吗 当a≥0时,√a²,√(-a²),-√a²的大小关系 圆形餐桌高1.6M 桌面直径1.4M 正方形桌布四角恰好接触对面 正方形桌布对角线多少? a²+a 若0<a<1,则a,a²,a分之一的大小关系是(用<号连接 most of them found it to be a very good one.么意思? Every man has his faults. Every man has his faults but sometimes good,see in which perspective什么意 若a>0,则a与a分之1的大小关系是什么 They can learn some better ways of ______things.A.doing do D.does The main thing they should try to learn is to do good things for people这里is后面为什么要用to do而不是doing? they can learn some better ways of ( ) thingsA.doing do D.does they learn newer and better ways of doing things的中文翻译是什么 They learn n_____ and better ways of d____ things DNA都有氢键,RNA都没有氢键,对吗, 转录时母链DNA与RNA有形成氢键吗? DNA有氢键,RNA没有氢键,是否正确? each VS every,everyone VS every one 英语运用究竟each 和 every 有什么不同?听说这两个词语在一些情况下不能使用,例子呢?everyone every one each one 有什么不同?最好附上解释/用法/例子, 10则名人名言以及它讲出的道理. 比较a和1/a的大小(a≠0)看不懂......... 比较大小:a+1( )a,a+0( )a,a+(-1) a把题目补充完整,5袋白糖以每袋50千克为标准,超过的记为正,不足的记为负.称量记录如下:+4.5,-4,-2,+2.5,+4, 挖一条水渠,甲,乙合做6天完成,甲先挖3天,一接着挖1天,可以挖这条水渠的十分之三,两队独挖各需多少天 挖一条水渠,甲队单独挖要12天,乙队单独挖要10天,甲队先挖1天,然后由甲、乙两队合挖,还要几天挖完?请给算 有两瓶相等的盐水,第一瓶里盐和水的重量比是1:9,第二瓶里的比是1:8,把两瓶混在一起后的重量比是多少?如果两瓶盐水重量相同的话盐/水=(1/10+1/9)/(9/10+8/9)=(9+10)/(81+80)=19/161为什莫 _________we can plant trees in spring.A.Sometimes B.Usually C.Noon选哪个,为什么? RNA有氢键么?只是单纯的RNA,不参与任何过程的.今年理综第一道选择的B.内蒙地区. every man hath his weak 挖一条水渠,甲·乙合挖要6天完成.甲先挖3天,乙再挖1天,可挖这条水渠的3/10.两人单独挖各需几天? They (plant trees) in spring.对划线部分提问