
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:26:16
I feel nervous before the exam.的同义句是什么? -I'm really nervous before the exam.- ______.Believe in yourself.A Don't be nervous B Take it easy选哪个啊 -- I am very nervous before exam.--------.Believe yourselves.A.Take it easyI am very nervous before exam.--------.Believe yourselves .A.Take it easy B .Don't be nervous 选A的理由 many students feel nervous before the math( )是填exam还是exams?为什么? Most of us feel nervous before we’re taking an important exam.Some will feel dizzy or tired,some 用括号里的词填空.(will be going to shall) I ______ go to the zoo this weekend.what ____ you do next class?my brother ____ Shanghai next week.Rain or fine,I ___come I hope that I can get a good mark.哪个是主句,那个是从句.这是一个什么从句.谢谢 On the summer days 的中文是什么 on day eating v___ is good for your health 选择填空_______is good for your health答案有 Eat more vegetablesEating more vegetablesEating more meat 给新娘铺床怎么说吉言 一层楼房太阳晒不到吗 running how i wish,there is one pereson spelled a life love me 具体意思. the other the other day中文是什么完整的句子是Jack broke his leg the other day.He had lain in bed for almost two weeks before resuming the school. 能不能用水位传感器来测油水分离罐中的水位?投入式是靠压力检测的估计不行,电容式的可以吗?油在上层,水在下层. the other 我是个高知,老公是老板,我回去当全职太太好吗?都说男人容易变心! “你收到了吗”用英文语怎么说?你收到了吗?收到了请回短讯 ..(麻烦大家帮忙翻译成英语 我已经到了英文怎么说 做个全职太太的标准是什么? Most of the audience had a high __________ of the performance of our footballers in theMost of the audience had a high opoinion of the performance of our footballers in the match against Iran. 全职太太是什么意思? 全职太太的定义宽泛正义 是不是当我准备来的时候 你却要走了 英语怎么说 时间快到了用英语怎么说?别用软件翻译 英语怎么翻译?有时候我翻译英文时,按照意思来明明是这个意思,但去查时却又不是 09年6月20号 英语四级刚才在网上对了英语四级的答案,我的快速阅读选择题大概对了3个,记不清了,本来就读的不明白,后面的填空对2个.听力选择对18个,填空小空能对50%吧,长句听写一般.两篇阅 求小学英语单词,要分类的单词,带音标, 音标怎么分类前元音 、中元音、后元音、双元音、清辅音、浊辅音、舌侧音、鼻辅音英语音标怎么分?或者听过李阳疯狂英语音标速成里面教的音标顺序.但不是三楼那种分法!