
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 14:23:44
英语语言学选择题Componential Analysis is a way proposed by the ____ semanticists to analyze the word meaning.A.structural B.cognitivec.behavioral D.functional 英语语言学选择题,选哪个呢?Pair ____falls into the syntagmatic association.a.soak--stains b.pen--pencilc.important--crucial d.farm-harm 1The new story book is written in -----easy English ---beginners can understand.A such thatB such asC so thatD too that2 During the test we were supposed to stay in our seats,keep our eyes on our work,------to anyoneA and not speak B instead of speak 英语高手请进,4.Your offer is not acceptable because we have another supplier ____________similar quality products at a much lower price.A.offers B.to offerC.offering D.offered5.A large quantity of our chairs are being exported to Europe _______ 帮我做17道英语选择题 要求正确率1.The second blind man said that the elephant is more like a spear than________.A.anyone else B.anything C.some of the things D.anything else2.The population of China is_______than__________ of the U.S.A a 英语选择题怎样选择真确率高 2.With a ( ) deposit,you would be able to withdraw money whenever you need.A.demand\x05B.time\x05C.fixed\x05D.irregular3.Some automated clearing houses will be established in the cities of the future to handle electronic ( ).A.transfers\x05B.transfor 正确率要高 英语选择题 速度 正确率 悬赏100分帮我做10道英语选择题Choose the most suitable answer and fill in the blank provides.1.Jack was laughing so _______that his sides ached and tears started rolling down his cheeks.A loud B rough C heartly D hard2.When I saw my niece 给你100分要带讲解的, 英语选择题 20个 我100分悬赏 大神们帮帮忙求求各位大神了 我实在是不会啊 1.It's already 10 o'clock.I wonder how it_____that she was hours late on such a short trip.A came over B came out C came about D came up这几个短语都是什么意思.选什么?2.It was a pity that the great writer died ___his works unfinishedA fo 一道英语选择题100分Hallo may i speak to mr zhang?_____Who's calling,pleaseA.I'm zhang B.This is Zhang speaking.如果选B 好象和后面有点矛盾是不是应该选A但打电话不是只能用This is 1-50 求50道英语选择题 帮我做50道英语选择题难度4级 要求正确40个以上 有能力者留下邮箱,我将题发给你 I think Tom has made many friends in china/A.so I do B.so he has C.so has he D.so do I为什么不是D,如果选D.句意就是 我也认为她交了许多朋友难道不行? 一道伤脑筋的英语选择题!好的有追分!I don't _____ they will have the meeting.A.that B.where C.whether D.if我认为BCD都行.好苦恼!最好详细一点.而且顺便说下遇到这种题,应该又怎么样的思路!膜拜!I don't know I would love_____to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.having gone 高一化学(选择题)很简单哦下列正确的是A 卤化氢溶于水均为强酸B 碱金属在空气中加热均可生成多种氧化物C 焰色反应属于化学变化D 新制氯水中含有7种不同微粒 三支相同容积的试管A、B、C,每个试管内各盛有两种气体,且各占(1/2)体积,A管是NO和NO2,B管是NO和O2,将A、B、C三支试管倒立于水槽中,在相同条件下,水面上升的高度分别是hA、hB、hC,则( )A.hA=hB=h 下列溶液中溶质的物质的量浓度为1mol/L的是A.将40gNaOH溶解于1L水中配成的NaOH溶液B.常温常压下将22.4L HCl气体溶于水配成1L的盐酸溶液C.将1L 10mol/L的浓盐酸与水混合配成10L溶液D.从1000ml 1mol/L NaOH 高一化学物质的量浓度的题一、 150ml浓度为0.05mol/L的AlCl3溶液,求Cl离子的浓度、、二、 相同浓度的NaCl 、MgCl2 、AlCl3三种溶液的体积之比为1:2:3,cl离子的浓度比是多少? 关于物质的量浓度下列关于物质的量浓度表述正确的是( )A.0.3mol\L的Na2SO4溶液中含有Na+和SO42-的种物质的量为0.9moi\LB.当1L水吸收22.4L氨气时所得氨水的浓度为1moi\LC.在K2SO4和NaCl的中性混合水 含cuso4和H2so4的混合溶液200ml,cuso4物质的量浓度1mol/L,H2so4物质的量浓度0.5mol/L,若用此溶液配成0.2mol/Lcuso4和2mol/L H2so4的混合溶液,试求:1.所得溶液体积是多少毫升?2.需加入密度为1.84g/ml,质量分数 高一化学题目 物质的量浓度用等体积0.1mol/L氯化钡溶液,可使相同体积的硫酸钠,硫酸铁和硫酸铝三种溶液中的硫酸根离子完全转化为硫酸钡沉淀,则三种盐的物质的量浓度之比为?改一下 硫 将标准状况下a体积hcl溶于1体积水中,得到的盐酸密度为bg.cm3,则该盐酸的物质的量浓度?此时水密度为1g/cm3,这里a体积和1体积不是很理解 1.有甲,乙,丙三瓶等体积等物质的量浓度的NaOH溶液,若将甲蒸发掉一半水分,在乙中通入少量的CO2,丙不变,然后分别向甲,乙,丙三瓶溶液中加入同浓度的盐酸,这三瓶溶液完全反应后所需盐酸溶液 物质的量浓度10ml的0.1mol/L Bacl2溶液恰好使相同体积的硫酸锌、硫酸铁、硫酸钾三种溶液中的硫酸根离子完全转化为硫酸钡沉淀,则三种硫酸盐的物质的量的浓度之比是多少? 研究发现,烯烃在合适催化剂作用下可双键断裂,两端基团重新组合为新的烯烃.若CH2=C(CH3)CH2CH3与CH2=CHCH2CH3的混合物发生该类反应,则新生成的烯烃中共平面的碳原子数可能为()A,2,3,4B,3,4,5C.4,5, 以下两个命题哪个正确?A用光束可区别淀粉溶液和食盐溶液B除去BaSO4固体中混有的BaCO3:加过量硫酸后,过滤、洗涤