
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 17:39:57
Maybe You didn't care what I am thinking about. right?这话什么意思 maybe you are stupid i don't want to owe anything to of you 添either 还是 both stopped me后面加什么介词stoped me 介词 the school 农历日期春节中秋节重阳节端午节 以先国家之急而后私仇也 先 i don‘t like buying pretty clothes.i like collecting music CDs ——————选什么A instead B either C too D yet THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO怎么样 GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO EXPORT ED怎么样 谁能帮我写首8句的七言诗!我12月1号到5号生病打吊瓶,是一个20岁的可爱的女护士给我扎的针,记得第一次她给我扎针的时候,因为觉得她年龄小,没有足够的打针经验,所以我就跟她开了个玩笑, 怎样写七言诗?字数,平仄等方面有何限制 用饮料瓶做一个受水型水钟,是【 】(填“能”或“不能” )从饮料瓶的底部标出时间刻度.原因是【 】 The university was started in order to help a known group - people who missed having a university education when they were young.a known group - people to一楼的a known group - people不是名人的意思,联系前后文看,说是给全职或 light反义词或近义词是什么? 消息的特点有哪三个特点? drop by的用法和常见搭配 by+过去时间搭配 、 I can thank for you翻译. 请问在现在完成时态中,非延续性动词buy变为哪一个延续性动词? 我想要I can't的中文音译歌词~thank you~ 把句子翻译成英文:They would be breaking records left and right. 用非谓语动词改写句子1.The student 's article was published last year .I have read the article2.Betty is studying English very well .She has never been abroad. My dad stops smoking.改为:My dad ______ _______ smoking.同义句转换.Don't make a noise in the classroom.改为:_______ _______ a noise in the classroom. 四阶魔方怎么玩?我会三阶的 四阶中心都不会…rt By the time 用法,看到网上很多解释觉得很奇怪,这个固定搭配只能用于完成时或者过去时的情况下?我看到一个句子 but by the time they reach the surface,these new cells are also dead and way beyond restoration. 管仲采取了哪些改革措施?简要回答 还有两个问题1.管仲被那一个国家任用为相?为了争霸,他们提出了什么口号?管仲采取了哪些改革措施 4还有两个问题1.管仲被那一个国家任用为相?为了争霸,他们提出了什么口号?管仲采取了哪 齐国管仲改革,改革什么制度,采取什么政策 just like you,so walk away only six month 谁行行好,帮我翻译翻译哦!.可能有语法错误 only such so 高二《史记选读》中《廉颇与蔺相如》、《晁错》的通假字古今异译等知识梳理求大神帮助 The plan is all right,_,it can be made better.1:while.2:so.3:however