
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 20:29:46
外贸中打电话常用的英语句子有哪些? He hardly enjoyed himself at the party last night.(改为反意疑问句)He hardly enjoyed himself at the party last night,____ ______? 已知:如图,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=BC,直线MN经过点C,且AD⊥MN于D,BE⊥MN于E求证:①△ADC≌△CEB②DE=AD-BE Youi,library,must,talk,at,quietly,the怎样连词成句 ________(not talk)!We must ________(is) quiet in the library. talk do not loudly the in library连词成句 改成否定句:1.Please speak fast.2.You must say it in English.3.You must talk in the library.4.Come early tomorrow.5.I can see someone under the tree. 为了使用石灰浆(Ca(OH)2)抹的墙壁快点干燥,常在室内生个炭火盆为了使用石灰浆(Ca(OH)2)抹的墙壁快点干燥,为什么常在室内生个炭火盆?为什么开始放炭火盆时,墙壁反而变潮湿? 为了使用石灰浆【Ca(OH)2】抹得墙壁快点干燥,为什么常在室内生个炭火盆?为什么开始放炭火盆时,墙变潮急用,快呀. 用石灰浆刷墙后,为了使墙壁快点干燥在屋内放上炭火,为什么墙壁反而湿了?题目要求用两个化学方程式解释为什么开始放炭火是墙壁反而湿了?是两个化学方程式 我只知道一个 how can he ()the new school?其中A gets to、 B get to、C arrive、D arrive to每个选项都不是很明白请求帮助一一解释! 巴塔哥尼亚高原与安第斯山脉地理位置的关系?还是说巴塔哥尼亚高原是安第斯山脉的一部分? 〔〕1.What time did you reach school this morning?A.arrive B.get to C.come D.go to〔〕2.The man upstairs is sick.A.sleeping B.tired C.ill D.hungry〔〕3.The little girl didn’t come until we were ready to start.A.beforeB.afterC.when D.while〔 与巴西高原相似的高原A,青藏高原B德干高原C云贵高原D帕米尔高原为什么? How can he __ the new school?A gets to B get to C arrives D arrive to 世界上最高的高原是巴西高原吗 -Alice,why didn't you come yesterday?-I ____ ,but I had an unexpected visitor.-Alice,why didn't you come yesterday?-I ____ ,but I had an unexpected visitor.A had B would C did D was going to 分析 your/what/to/mother/do/tomorrow/going/is/(?)连词成句 《梅花魂》中描写外祖父喜爱梅花的句子有哪些 梅花魂一文中描写外祖父喜爱梅花的句子有 梅花魂,描写外祖父喜爱梅花的句子读一读,体会这些句子对表达外祖父的思乡之情有什么好处?现在要, 梅花魂中哪些句子写了外公3次流泪的句子 五年级(梅花魂)描写外祖父喜爱梅花的句子并体会这些句子对思乡之情有什么好处 原句也要 我想问一下,盐在潮湿的空气里是不是会变成水?好奇怪,我不知道会这样,最近我在画"工笔画" .画完后我感觉用盐来做效果还不错,于是我就用它来作了,可是我没有想到,那纸一会儿就变成湿的 名字叫的写人记事作文400字 铁潮湿的空气中和在食盐水中,生锈的程度有什么不同啊? 加碘食盐在潮湿的空气中氧化的化学方程式主要成分是KI get to和arrive的区别尽量举例 急求!:英语连词成句:1.past can have we dinner half six at ? 2.has the already boss left.由于急需,请求大家快一点,谢谢各位的帮助!感激不尽~~ 连词成句.1.to,outside,have,going,is,dinner,Jenny(.) match,going,we,have,are,basketball,to,a 连词成句 Our teachers don't allow us_____school late.A.to arrive B.arrive at C.arrive in D.to arrive at