
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:12:31
1.The hospital in _____Mr.Li was operated on has taken on a new look. Mr Mandela,94,was taken to hospital early on Saturday,the third time this year he has been admiMr Mandela,94,was taken to hospital early on Saturday,the third time this year he has been admitted.请问,这句话怎么两个谓语,一个take,一个adm 出生证明怎么补办 如何补办出生证明我孩子的出生证明丢了,现在怎么补办? 怎么补办出生证明 补办的出生证明还能补办吗孩子出生4个月补办的 请帮忙回答一下下面英文地址中两个字母是什么的缩写1120 SW 5th Avenue其中的SW是什么英文单词的缩写呢? 帮忙把“电竞之王”英语缩写,最好是两个字母 To tell you the truth,the accident and the damage______resulted in frightened me so much that Ialmost gave up driving ever since.A.which B.that C.it D.what正确答案是C.it我想知道为什么不选B.that 希望能解释清楚, 1.To tell you the truth,the accident and the damage B resulted in frightened me so much that I al1.To tell you the truth,the accident and the damage B resulted in frightened me so much that I almost gave up driving.A.of that B.it C.of which D.what为 "After staying in hospital for long,the patient was advised to go to the seaside""After staying in hospital for long,the patient was advised to go to the seaside to _____ his health.A.take upB.pick upC.carry upD.make up" 英语发音浊化是怎么回事?比如 t 发 d 音等等?........只要浊化的,链接里的帖子没有~ 关于be 后面的动词 时态one option is to creat a giant state- owned oil companyone option is creat a giant state- owned oil companyone option is creating a giant state- owned oil company哪句话对的? 英语作文语法问题Next Friday(is she 6)years old birthday party.(I invite you can come to the party.)At the party,I'm going to give her a surprise-----(I give her double cakes.)括号部分需要修改,有主谓问题和时态问题 两个单词组成的英语单词的发音情况,特别是两个单词连接的是两个轻辅音时的发音情况象backpack,notebook,前一个单词中k应该停顿一拍还是应该发出来,后一个中的t应该发清楚还是停顿一拍不发 华尔街英语好贵啊!可是又很想提高英语~刚找了份工作,急需要提高英语水平,今天走在街上,看到华尔街宣传活动,就上去看了看,发现他们真会营销,找了个帅哥跟我介绍,聊着聊着,一了解课程的 I have got a new bike,and it is in front of the house它的同义句是什么`? my father( )( )( )( )( )every day 我爸爸承诺要每天坚my father( )( )( )( )( )every day 我爸爸承诺要每天坚持锻炼填什么 小学英语发音标准是什么? 英语翻译Peepy (so self-named) was the unfortunate child who had fallen downstairs,who now interrupted the correspondence [on an African project] by presenting himself,with a strip of plaister on his forehead,to exhibit his wounded knees,in which 电视机行逆程电容变小会产生什么现象 请问此电路哪个是行逆程电容 2012年12月21日,2012世界,天会黑3天3夜 此事绝不可信啊.不可能是真的吧!不是真的哦,都说了 要黑3天3夜是不可能的事情哦. 哪些是过去式 直接+D的过去式有哪些最好直接举几个例子 I happened _______with him when he was hit by a stone.A. I was talking B. talking C. to talk D. to be talking 为什么是D不是C,为什么是强调.. 英语中有哪些过去式 Susan sleeps over ten hours every day.什么意思?哪个好心人说下意思~谢谢了 He sleeps ten hours every night改错 How would we tell time if watches or clock except in the world?中文翻译 我想给孩子买复读机,什么样的好?什么牌子?一般在什么价位?能听磁带的那种 怎样做辣条