
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:30:40
wish that+从句 造三个英语句子 关于that后从句的用法A+that+从句B+从句请说说A,B分别是指哪些动词. 痛苦的反义词呢?对不起我没有财富悬赏 wish后that从句表将来的愿望有的语法书上写着表示现在或将来的愿望:主语+wish+从句(主语+过去时)另一本语法书写的表将来不太可能实现的愿望:主句+would/could+动词原形 表示将来可能实 痛苦反义词 学英语好还是学法语.西语好? 考哪个大学学西语好?我想学西语,我是广西的高中生,哪个大学好?除了北外北二外.需要什么条件呢? 英语自我介绍 少一点 would是情态动词为什么可以接宾语从句 would rather that would rather + that从句 动词用什么? would rather 后面加宾语从句反义疑问句怎么弄 关于wish从句和 would rather从句,老师在讲虚拟语气时讲过 wish和 would rather的用法是:现在时和将来时推成过去时,过去时推成现在完成时.可是有一道题i'd rather you ( ) right away.A leave B left C will leav 没事,我会过的更好,不用担心的英文解释? 英语翻译6-12 gotas dos o tres veces al día,antes de comida.En caso de niños tomar con jugo,leche o agua. 智利为什么西班牙语 I tried very hard to explain my plan,but I found it difficult____.A.to make myself understandingBto make myself understoodCto understand myself Dmake myself understand The girl studies very hard.对very hard做提问 Would you like some ____?—Yes,a little please.A.apples B.bananas C.oranges D.milk为什么不选C.C做名词时也是不可数名词 1. I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _____ with my progress. (2006年重庆,24)the teacher is not satisfiedis the teacher not satisfiedthe teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied求解析 [-B37] I've tried very hard to improve my English .But by no means ________ with my progress.A.the teacher is not satisfied B.is the teacher not satisfied C.the teacher is satisfied D.is the teacher satisfied翻译并分析 I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat refusal .求翻译,句中有那些语法和语句? 烦恼的反义词是什么? hope+that从句 和 wish+that从句 的区别? wish和hope分别可以跟什么样的从句他们跟的从句有什么区别.还有说说用法, hope +doing 或者that 从句 通过一两件事反映一个人的优秀品质(作文)急! 巴塞罗那学西班牙语好吗?有好的语言学校吗?hispania,enforex的中国人都太多了. 岳阳楼记 成语嗟(jiē)夫!予(yú)尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲;居庙堂之高则忧其民;处(chǔ)江湖之远则忧其君.是进亦忧,退亦忧.然则何时而乐耶?其必曰“先天下 烦恼的反义词 关于学英语口音的问题?刚才不小心按了回车,我是现在出口说英文都是美音 已经说的比较标准了 但是过阵子要去英国读书 大家觉得我有必要可以改过来英式英语吗?还是继续操着美音在英 would you like some milk?怎么回答 用yes某某 no某某 Would you like something to d_____?Yes.Some milk,please.