
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 15:16:25
以《我学会了跳绳为题》,续写作文.详细要求如下:“妈妈,我兴冲冲地跑进家门,告诉您一个好消息,我终于学会跳绳了.”为开头.中心突出,叙事详略得当,表达最真实的感受.字数不少于500字. 英语description是什么意思 祸兮福之所倚 福兮祸之所伏 说了什么道理 制备气体是制取还是制取加收集? 藕能组什么词 藕可以组什么词 藕的组词 藕字怎么组词 in other 实验室里制取气体的装置包括()和()两部分 Todday is jane's wedding.She ______ john.A.was just married toB.just has been married toC.had just married with D.has just been married to john is the son of jane.jane is the ____ of john's motherfill the blank for me please:)thank u 制取气体的装置有什么? 制取气体的装置B图中锥形瓶上面的仪器叫什么 已知过点(0,1)的直线L;xtana-y-3tanb=0的斜率为2,则tan(a+b)=? 我要买望远镜可以看到110个梅西耶天体,价格不要太贵2500以内.信达小黑150/750怎么样 为什么要买望远镜?有感于近期关于望远镜的问题特别多。 云和梯田在哪里 We learn words through their use in context.请分析下这个句子的成分尤其这部分through their use in context句意我明白,只是需要分析成分,这部分是方式状语吗? 36头猪分七天杀,必须是单数,怎么杀 淡水原始森林和云和梯田远吗? It is not much use learning long lists of words and their meanings by heart.We must learn wordsnot by themselves but in sentences 云和梯田的稻子什么时候开割、什么时候往梯田里注水了? 36头猪,7天完,每天杀单数,怎么算.7天每天都杀少一天都不行 巨鹿之战蕴含了哪些道理 巨鹿之战蕴涵了哪些道理 巨鹿之战中有哪些道理 (只说解题思路就行了) 有解题思路就行 解题思路给我就行! 怎么样才能把弱碱水变成弱酸水 英语翻译As the world changed over the last five decades the post-war consensus on the rules and regulations governing the world economy was continuously eroded.Most developing countries which were not present at the creation of these rules and re