
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 00:19:15
如果有一道题,一天小明在街上乱扔垃圾,清洁阿姨告诫他不要乱扔垃圾,小明却说如果我不乱扔垃圾你就失业根据这个问题,你会怎么回答 墨家学说的主旨是 墨家学派有哪些经典我知道一个《墨子》,请问他们还有哪些著作? 英语翻译Spindle shaft 两个单词连在一起的时怎么翻译?与spindle 和shaft 的区别分别是什么 请翻译"provide" 怎样做好一个管理者?让下面的人服我! 英语翻译他们拒绝向我们提供所需要的全部信息.(provide....with) 英语翻译WITH LOCKING COLLAR TYPE 找了好多都没找到 c___the host to explain why he will be late When did you leave the bus station?()I saw him get on the bus and sit down.A.Before B.After C.Since D.Until Dear Meimei,How time flies You have完型答案Dear Meimei,How time flies!You have been away for half a year.I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling ____ in New York.I think you ____ talk more with your classmates.Try to ____ friends with them.T 用所给词的适当形式填空Would you like something ______ (eat)? supply, provide, offer 在意思上的具体区别 英语翻译International Standards Organization还是International Organization for Standardization看到两种英文?哪个是正规的 英语翻译请保证准确, you refuse he will reproduce it 如何用空气,焦炭,水为原料制备硝酸? We have been long back at school three weeks now怎么译 ——When do you r_____ from England?——I have been back for two weeks. —— —— would you like 硝酸是什么的原料 用最简洁的方式制作硝酸,用以下材料:次氯酸钠,空气中的氮气和氧气等,请说明过程, 关于ISO里的英文缩写? ISO英文缩写和中文含义 Please ( ) the boy from back to front .A.give B.pass C.catch D.fly 你们还要别的什么东西吗?—— —— would you like英语翻译 in this world,all kinds of weather can be found right. 英语翻译i was found on the ground by the fountain about a field of a summer stridelying in the sun after i had triedlying in the sun by the sidewe had agreed that the council would end up three hours over timeshoelaces were tied at the traffic li I am find thank you and you? I can "t——(be) outside late because i have to be back home by 9:00 in the evening 如何选择席子?草席、竹席、藤席、亚麻席哪种好怎么使用、保养.需要注意的事情 Students have to go back to dormitories ( ) 10:00 ,because they will close the gate at 10:00.A:by B:with C:after 从A/B/C中选择正确的答案填在括号里