
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 17:30:52
用nervous shy tired terrible friendly这五个单词各造五个句子 完形填空:nervous,shy,tired,terrible,friendly如果我错了,1:I'm really (tired).I've been studying all day.2:I don't like making speeches.I feel (nervous) talking in front of many people.3:If you were more (friendly) to people,you would have I fell a damn sight better than I did yesterday为什么翻译为 我感觉比昨天好多了.sight 在这怎样理解?damn在这是非常的意思. we all like it. 哥伦布航海中船员大量死亡的原因是什么 We all like he的中文意思越快越好 你认为当时的情况下,哥伦布同意吧病重的船员留在荒岛上,为什么? 蓝精灵爸爸的任务有谁知道it's time to get baking.go to greedy's bakery and bake some strawberry cupcakes!) 形容哥伦布 成语3个 要现在 英语翻译Along with finding solutions to unique lubrication problems,S's research staff is constantly evaluating new synthetic-base stocks and additives to provide its customers with the best lubricants technically available. 英语翻译 Today when the grape flowers are blooming是什么歌 The story like a flower blooming翻译成中文是什么意思? 经常在美剧里看到screw这个词.本义我知道,但好像有其它不同的习惯的用法. The firemen came here quickly and the five was__very soon.A.put off B.put out C.put up D.put down英语~(#`′)靠 have a toothache的第人二称是什么? how's和how is It will let you become more mature!Come on 请问,the pressure of the will let you become mature,slowly you will try everything是什么意思? the pressure of the will let you become mature,slowly you will try everything I believe I will become more tender and mature!I love freedom!如题 简单的加法算式1/2+2/3+3/4+.+n/(n+1) naive什么意思 The dream is over,there are always miracles happen with me,fly together! 求一个英文网名,女生的,含有sky,和fly together是情侣名,最好也是两个单词的 请问HTC Sense 4、4+ 和 Sense 5 有什么大的区别啊? 请问HTC Sense 4、4+ 和 Sense 5 之间的主要差别在哪儿? sense 和 feel 的区别? 我害怕明天的到来用英语说是I am afraid of tomorrow coming 还是i am afraid tomorrow coming 一首节奏感极强的英语歌 前几秒出现两次let's go 怎么做分数方程(算式)1、x-(4又1/2+1.25)=5/122、x-2又5/7+3又1/44=1又2/7 地中海建筑风格之特征有哪些? hey guys,i'm walkdogi remember i stuck my head in the door...and someone take me too eatshit.shit is yum.