
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:25:52
get married ,be married,marry sb谢谢了,I don't know the differents between these words Mary( ) wants to buy some picture boks and color pencils. to not friend all too填什么The people in the store are very ( )to not friend all too填什么 这里that was 这样用可以吗?前提:Pls.make sure the bag is put in the box before you leaving office!回答:Don't worry about this,that was done! according什么意思 According According是什么意思? according to的下面,名词短语吗? Let's get married什么意思 Let'S Get Married 歌词 in和during在时间表达上的区别.During the whole winter it never snowed.和It was very hot during the summer.为什么前者的during不能用in代替,而后者却可以用in代替? what an interesting CD-ROM!用另一个与“interesting”意思相近的词代替 during和in的区别啊? interesting这个单词如何巧记 during和in的区别What will happen ____ ten years?是in 还是during?为什么呢?有点懂它们的区别了,但是用during 的话就是意思不一样而已啊,我觉得句子意思都对的啊,可以问这十年会发生什么的吧 We ____(make) to look for the lost child in the mountain.用动词的正确形式填空! It's a wentern holiday .children like to make the colorful eggs at -----填空 蚯蚓生活在阴暗、潮湿、富有机质的土壤中,能从土壤中获得生命活动所需营养,这说明生物能__________蚯蚓的活动过程又使得土壤空隙增多,土壤肥力提高,照说明生物能________ 蚯蚓生活在阴暗、潮湿、富有有机质的土壤中,能从土壤中获得生命活动所需营养,这说明生物能( )蚯蚓的活动过程又使得土壤的空隙增多,土壤肥力提高,这说明生物能( 以ive结尾的形容词 练习口语,英式发音,能推荐几部英式发音比较好的电影吗 越多越好 请问纯正的英式口语怎么练啊~什么材料是比较纯正的英语发音,我买很多都是美式英语 一定要是英式的哦 ~我当然知道要在英国练了我就是不去英国练才问啊材料能不能具体点啊,很难买到 假期去英国想 .练习下英式口语,如何练、 如何练习英式口语?有没有什么电视剧可以看RT.对于打广告的,我也就是祝您在打完广告后暴病身亡 英式口语,美式口语,到底哪个更容易练好? 魔兽世界公会5.0前夕收人广告,公会名叫the Wings of Azrael ,求一犀利新颖收人广告.满级公会,为冲mop开荒第一团队.不要给要求或者建议,只要成平.五区石锤. My sister has a toy rabbit.(改为同义句) is he different from you in any way?特别的不懂in any way quintus怎么读 quintus英文怎么读 quintus 英文怎么读 quintus什么意思 fruit best,这个词组的汉语意思是什么?