
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 17:31:29
竖直悬挂一根长15米的杆,在杆的正下面5米处有一点A当杆自由下落时,全部通过A点需几秒? 关于文明卫生的寓言大神们帮帮忙一则关于文明卫生的寓言,并且还要说出你对这个寓言故事的理解!(PS:如果答案很好的话,) 答得好的)写一则寓言的道理关于斑马的传闻一只猴子从城里回来,野牛问它有何观感.猴子说:"城里人喜欢斑马.每条路都画了斑马线."野牛听了感到新奇,转身告诉过路的狐狸:"听说城里画影涂 竖直悬挂一根长15米得杆,在杆的下方距杆下端5米处有一观察点A,当杆自由下落,求杆全部通过A点的时间?我设杆子的上端为B点 因为杆子长15米,A在杆子下端5米处所以当B经过A时所用的时间就是 I studied in...学校 ,which is located in...这句话对么? Sister hope you happy 'no trouble.Though not often chat but 'Please remember you and me. We felt it a pity that the research team failed tosuch a plant _______ had been described in the botanist's diary.答案是as,为什么,这是什么从句?谁能分析一下句子结构? 英语翻译内容摘要:传统的人格权制度主要在于保障人格之完整性与不可侵犯性,着重于非财产性的人格利益之保护,而随着社会的发展变化,部分人格权已经逐渐成为商业活动上的重要客体.人 He is standing on the chair是什么意思 hall这个英语单词是什么意思 device wtart up failed due to sudden loss of power plaease click yes to cont every five miles the water changes,and every twelve miles the speech(North Indian proverb)翻译 He _(it)on the chair new急 Gray Area 《History》歌词翻译? 竖直悬挂一根长15米的杆在距杆下端5米处有一点A,当杆自由下落时,从杆的下端经过A点时开始计时.求杆全部通过A点所需的时间.(g取10米每二次方秒)要分析过程 英语翻译喜欢英文歌,He got kicked in the backHe say that he needed thatHe hot willed in the faceKeep daring to motivateHe say one day you will seeHis place in world historyHe dares to be recognizedThe fires deep in his eyesHow many victims mu 填上合适的数量词 如:一幅画 还有一()化?填4个和 一()花2个 一()纸5个今天要 快 县赏分拿走吧!刚刚回答那人在写几个这分你拿去 Exiting Mission 卤汤怎么炒糖色? frustrating怎么读,用汉语标一下 卡车怎么读?(用汉字标一下) here is a nice picture of my family.there are ( ) people in it. Litttle joy can equal( ) of a surprising ending when you read stories.A.that B.those C.any D.some another这样读急 什么是血氧分压 它的正常值是多少 老年人血氧浓度是多少, There is only----water in the bottle. someone is noly a little piece of you 求歌,谁有Another Little Piece Of You? ( )的梅花散发着淡淡的香味.填上合适的词 CO中毒,血氧分压正常,血氧含量下降,这个是怎么回事,完全看不懂,..CO和血红蛋白结合,抢占O2的位置,然后O2的另外三个结合位点亲和力上升,血红蛋白运载氧的数量减少了,能解离出来的氧