
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 03:41:10
can I get you a drink?That's very nice of you.I've already got__.a.it b.one c.that d.this 67.He is such a man who is difficult ____.A.to satisfy with B.to be satisfied with C.to satisfy D.to be satisfied 为什么不是D? 改错并翻译 He is such a man who doesn’t like to distingwish by his success He is not such a man ( )would leave his work half done.A.that B.which C.who D.as who is he A man calling himself...1.--who is he?--a man___himself Smith.calling .calls为什么要用ing呢? My girlfriend’s birthday is only a few days away.翻译 广东外语外贸大学自考商务英语本科申请学士学位要求 Mary sleeps eigt hours every day.翻译是什么? 广东外语外贸大学自考商务英语,哪里可以报名,我要报小考办班的 广外自考商务英语本科的学位论文答辩问题请问有谁知道广外自考商务英语本科的学位论文答辩是一对一形式还是分组形式?另外,答辩过程是用英文还是中文?全程大概需要多久? 英语翻译 mary read a book every day翻译要中文 Such a man___can't fail.A like him B as him C asSuch a man___can't fail.A like him B as him C as he D like he 选哪个请详解 _____,i don't like a man like him.A Being honestB Being honestyC To be honestyD To be honest选择D,告诉我原因和其他不选的原因,翻译中文 --___the police found the murderer?--Yes,who__that such a man like him is a nurderer如题 have;would have thought这个答案对吗?不对的话正确应该怎么填呢? Can you imagine that a smart man like him_____ make such a stupid mistake?答案为什么是BCan you imagine that a smart man like him_____ make such a stupid mistake?  A.might     B.should     C.would     D.need 二外和广外哪个好啊 英语翻译Mary,I guess it's time for me to speak the truthAnd tell you how I feel,yeh,uhYou used to turn away whenever I caught your stareI know sometimes I made you feel as if you wasn't thereYou would made such an effort just to get my attentionH MARY的阿姨怎么翻译 Ivan 怎么念,同上~ 广外有哪些小语种 Ivan怎么读 广东外语外贸大学翻译硕士要考哪几门课?华南师范和华南理工呢? 广外的哪种小语种最好啊? rather than的同义词 what the hell is going on here?和what the hell is going on out here?为什么有的多了个out? what is going on here in order to 与rather than意思一样吗 Should people be realistic rather than romantic in 3本的男生学商务英语好吗? 竹字头,底下一个开,读作什么,什么意思 竹字头 下面一个砸,读什么,