
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:30:54
they are (reception)____to news ideas.里面填什么适当形式呢? 英语翻译in the last 500 years,nothing about people,such as their chlothes,ideas and languages have changed as much as what they eat.这句话应该怎么翻译?翻译成:比如他们的衣服,想法,语言象他们吃的那样差不多有了改 "英文谚语"的英文怎么说 这个谚语怎么说?英国谚语:小便黄黄,留着变香.用英语怎么说? You best可以用在书信结尾吗?通常都是Yours Sincerely什么的,刚刚看到有人这样用,不知是否妥当... 翻译Maybe only the good die young Linda's Shop has the ____(expensive) clothes.expensive的最高级 We climbed up the mountain to a ridge _______ we had fantastic views .A.from where B.from which It was not long___we climbed up the mountain这里该填什么啊,比如before ,since这类的 good die young 是什么意思啊 请问 "The good die young“ 是一个正确的句子吗?主要是想问下"die"的形态是否正确 ashes of time 猜谜:The holes are all over my body,but I can hold water.what am 明日的血红月亮暗示什么? 11年前的血红月亮是什么时候 我听说月球后面有个血红之眼看着地球是怎么回事啊我听说不是有一 次不是有个月球的宇航登陆者发现有个血红色的眼睛看着地球的吗?回来又消失不见了...这是怎么回事..难道真有外星人" 样子很遵守交通规则是什么意思?形容一个人的样子 “很遵守交通规则”是什么意思? 朱红月,血红的传说拜托了各位 谢谢关于血色月亮的传说 知道多少说多少 They had( )climbing the mountain We'll be back _______ a moment.A.for B.on C.at D.in 请推荐几首像Por una cabeza一样好听的音乐, POR UNA CABEZA是什么意思感觉好好听额 eres una buena chica是什么意思 Unable to add background transfer request什么意思?求大神给说下…… Our first few short English lessons were not difficult.怎么翻译 _____ English is easy for our teacher,it's not easy for us A as B when C Although D but I found English is easy at first.是对的吗其中的that是不是可以省略 but will there be such a day? we will be there.中文是什么, The telephone rang ______ I was in the garden. I was closing the window ____ the telephone rang.A.when B.as C.while D.before为什么选A,C不可以吗? when spanish people talk to you,they like standing close to you为什么是close而不是closely还有一题哟people in East Europe embrace and kiss each other,_______ people in China usually shake handsA.when B.though C.while D.however