
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 01:41:42
The incarnation that is Heaven andHell,I am a small angel,I like blue sea very much .An you Jim comes to school on a bike.(同义句) Jim ()()()to school. How many tickets did you ask of course 怎么造句.要两个! A:- - she like singing?B:A lot .she - every weekend.(A 是两个空.B 是一个空)谢谢哥哥姐姐们. A:( ) ( ) she like singsing?B:A lot.She ( ) every weekend. 历史小论文【辽宋夏金元时期的民族关系史】求教.500字①【辽宋夏金元时期的民族关系史】②【繁荣与开放的隋唐时期】任意一题500字 Does Mr White ____ in Beijing? mr white had a _____ in a factory.he swept the floor全文谁有这个全文 The factory does not o on Sundays. 谁知道英语they的中文是什么? 英语 填空根据汉语写填空 1.They are (玉米)plants. 这句话中的”to“怎么解释?是什么语法结构?怎么翻译呢?the relationship of demand to expansion in the city my cousin gets home at 6:00 am.的同义句是什么?改成My cousin gets home at __ __ __ __ 这样的句子 My~cousin~is~twelve~and~l'm~twelve~too 速度来人回答My~cousin~is~twelve~and~l'm~twelve~too改成同义词? dim flag as boolean什么意思 The brain翻译成中文 1+3+3²+3³+...+3²009+3²010 (&sup是几次方的意思,如3²010就是3的2010次幂 副词形容副词的句子,急要英语的 翻译的时候需不需要知道副词修饰什么词? 英语翻译Newlyweds would take a minimum of two years before deciding whether to cement their relationship or split up,under plans to alter the city's civil code.请问这句话中的“under plans to alter the city's civil code.” (4)“Such was + 主语+that +从句.”求讲解 polite的副词形式 Such were his words这句话的谓语动词were用的对吗?主语是words吧. We put our books on the bookcase.翻译 polite impolite副词 I'm going to polite的副词形式是什么? 请问 为什么close与polite的副词形式就不要去e加ly儿possible去需要? According to a recent survey conducted by CCTV ,the number of parks which is free admission increased sharply from 110 to 2,380 between 2005 and 2010 in large and medium-sized cities in China.怎么每个人改的都不一样啊?就是各位改错 This hall was used to _____ child refugees for the time being.A.hold B.contain CaccommodateD.embody 选b 还是C 给明原因 - -. so,that ,such 在句子中做代词使用时的区别what maria did might hurt you ,but____was not her intention.such/so?