
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:55:40
Ben is playing with his toy car near Mr Black`s house His car is (German).对括号内提问 She is my Woman Friday.求翻译啊. 英语翻译这三句话怎么翻译? 我让一个女人翻译A secret makes a woman woman她却骂了我一顿到底她翻译成啥了 what is bathroom scale 梦见洞里有好多黄白相间的蛇有什么含义 梦见蛇黄白主有官事是什么意思 what is 怎么回答RT 导致这次失败的主要原因是什么?英文翻译 what is ------ ------- -------- -------the failure? doris这个英文名怎么样 doris 是不是很老的英文名字?想给女儿起doris这个英文名字,不知道是不是很过时呢? 英文名doris好还是claire?哪个不太俗? 英文名女生Cherrie Florence Doris 哪个好听Cherrie Florence Doris 哪个好听 she said the book is interesting对不对?she said the book is interesting (表示这本书不管过去现在将来都很有趣?)she said the book was interesting (表示这本书过去很有趣?现在有趣没趣不一定?)这样对吗? She liikes the movie beacause it is interesting.(就划线部分提问)划线部分是 beacause it is interesting. The book is so interesting.I'm sure she ____(fall)in love with it.fall 在这的将来时怎么写初2下册的噢 黑白相间的是什么蛇黄色和黑色相间的图样是什么! 黄色黑色相间舌头是黑色的是什么蛇 反意疑问句 everything is ready,my brother has to eat a lot of vegetabies every day, 英语翻译不好意思:not everything must be ready,is it?笔误! Everything's ready.(改为一般疑问句) 英文名clare和claire意义上有什么区别?如题~CLARE 和 claire有什么区别啊?意义上的区别么?还是? Claire这个英文名字什么意思? He( )very hard.A.work B.at work C.works D.working he works very hard 感叹句 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )! the police ___ very hard.填work还是works参考答案是,当时这里为什么不用第三人称单数呢? 我还有个朋友想要个英文名字她长的很可爱,是个很乖的女孩,她想要个B开头的,或是E C 都可以...不要太普通的~ 我朋友叫林逢春 帮他起个英文名、急··男的要L 开头的·中间最好有F。提高了、、、加油 everything is right的反义疑问句 We don't think that is right.这句话的反意疑问句是什么? This jacket is (black)对括号里的部分提问