
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:36:11
豆饼是什么 乙炔瓶表面温度不得超过多少℃?瓶阀冬季解冻加温时,应使用多少℃以下温水? 梅氦气是怎么得的 look at thee given phrases and write.(go back on foot) (go to school) (see a lot of animals)e.g.did you see a lot of animals yesterday?1) _______________________________2) _______________________________括号表示给的短语 you're always on my mind that i have i'll be your everything 电视机厂有甲、乙两个装配车间,其中甲车间占两个车间总人数的11/20,因工作需要,从甲车间调出36人到乙车间,这时两个车间人数正好相等,求甲、乙两个车间原有多少人? 一列快车长70m,一列慢车长80m,若两车同向而行,快车从追上慢车到完全超越慢车所用时间为20s;若两车同向而行,则两车从相遇到完全离开时间为4s,求两车每秒各行多少米求答题过程与思路 求集合A={x∈N|x大于等于0小于3} 的子集是什么? 中国古代哲学关于天人关系思想的历史演进 求歌 副歌部分是you give me your promise,give me your promise, 卡地亚手表真假鉴别在手表行买了支手表,是蓝气球中号自动的,高手可以告诉我···如何鉴别真假吗?(3万5) Write a letter in at least 60 words according to the given situation.(根据所给情景写一封不少于60词的信.)Suppose you are Joe.Your friend Betty is upset about a coming exam for she cares too much about the result.What do you think?Tr write out the words according to the meanings given below.1.______________ not possible2.______________ though3.______________ 1 000 meters4.______________ a person who has written some books or writers somethings as his job 5.______________ a room i Write a dialogue according to the situation given(At least ten sentences)Jane and Sue are cleaning the classroom.Suddenly they find a film ticket on the floor.The film begins at 7 p m.and it is on at Beijing Cinema.The girls think it must be Dan's be Write a passage of at least 60 words on the situation given 帮我翻译一下 Write a passage according to the given situation. 英语翻译英语翻译:哪个班赢了篮球赛?Which ____ ____ the basketball match? 中国历史发展的基本脉络和有较大影响的历史事件 1.Please be s_____.I'm not telling jokes.2.Do you know what this word m_____.3.The old man has two daughters.They b______live in Shanghai4.Mr Jone is a nice teacher.He teachers us p______.5.Zhao Mei always makes n______in English classes. 适合北方种植的水稻品种有哪些 尧舜禹到秦中国历史是沿着怎样的一条轨迹向前发展的 please look at the black board.do you know this word?look at要不要改成look? A车长200米,速度是每秒30米,B车长300米速度是每秒20米,求2辆车超车和错车的时间,谢 种植稻米需要在什么气候条件下才能种? 人站在自动扶梯的水平踏板上 随扶梯斜向上匀加速运动,画受力分析 如图所示,一人站在商场的自动扶梯的水平踏板上,随扶梯一起向上加速运动(人相对扶梯静止),则下列说法中正确的是A.人只受到重力和踏板对人的支持力两个力作用B.人对踏板的压力大小等 人站在自动扶梯的水平踏板上,随扶梯斜向上匀减速运动.求人所受的力. ,站在自动扶梯上的人随扶梯斜向上做加速运动,关于人受到的力,摩擦力方向向哪 人站在自动扶梯的水平踏板上,随扶梯斜向上匀速运动,人为什么不受到摩擦力? Look at these words and write on which syllable the word is stressed underline the syllable which are stressed是什么意思?