
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 05:43:28
求英语大神,有用必好评,语法填空, 川大 09春学期 大学英语(二)第1次作业(急)1.—What can I do for you,madam?—_______A.I want a kilo of pears.B.You can go your own wayC.Thanks.D.Excuse me,I’m busy.2.— What’s the weather like in your hometown?—_______A.it’s 求英语大神,有用必好评,语法填空, 快速提高英语成绩的办法英语成一直很差 怎么么办啊 求快速提高英语成绩的办法!原因:我们高二今年改革,要学业水平测试,12月26号,不过要死人的!.求一个能有效提高英语成绩的办法! 玩具熊 英文 玩具熊的英文? 给我的玩具熊的英文 快速提高英语的方法 提高英语的最好方法要快速的 怎么能很快的提高英语,有解决的快速方法吗? 大学英语(1)第二次网络作业2( 2 )In the eighteen century young ladies in Italy were taught reading,writing,music and arithmetic(算术).But their knowledge of history and geography(地理) was very poor.Once the French ambassador (大使 提高英语的快速法? My money _________.I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I have none in hand.running out为什么不能用is being run out 1.They publish large numbers of fairy tales every year,This year___they have published 20000 copies.A only B just C alone D merely(A)想知道这四个选项的区别,以及为什么选这个2.It looks like weather is changing for __.Shall we wtick t 一道英语练习题:Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou.A.has never gone B.had never gone C.has never been D.had never been 1.The children went home from the grammar school,their lessons _____for he day.A finishing B finished C had finished D went finished (选B)2.You were silly not _____ your car.A to lock B to have locked C locking D having lockde (选B)3.As the light 英语 11题选什么为什么 共有十二个生肖.如果公元2008年属鼠.那么公元六年属什么年? 公元960年属相什么?(急呀,) 公元183年是什么属相 英语翻译这一句话的英语怎么说? “宝贝对不起,我不是故意要这么做的.”请帮我翻译成英文. 英语翻译宝贝对不起,能再给次机会吗?翻译成英文, 宝贝,对不起!都是我的错,请你原谅我.请问:这用英文怎么翻译啊. 宝贝,对不起,我不能够陪你了.下辈子,好么?翻译成英文 公元元年1月1日是星期几?农历几月初几? 公元0年1月1日是星期几?是农历的哪一年哪月哪日?如题 The man () has arrived.A.whom helped meB.which helped meC.who helped meD.helped me 关于一道英语题,谁能帮解释解释以及给出一个正确的答案My mother knows him,they _______to each other at a party A.are introduced B.have been introduced C.were introduced D.had been introduced 我个人认为答案是C,上网查 你要我怎么说怎么做怎么不难过的英文 有什么甜点翻译成英文