
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 18:27:43
关于托福听力怎么练 求管仲治国篇的全文翻译!要全文的!开头是“从凡治国之道,必先富民”,结尾是“有人之涂,治国之道也”.急!~要全文完整的翻译. 英语翻译这篇文言文是节选自《劝忍百箴》 管仲束缚 英语翻译管仲夷吾者……………………岂管仲之谓乎?不要发链接,请在下面回答谢谢. 写出由人物联想到的成语或四字词语.今天就要!#¥%¥%#写出由人物联想到的成语或四字词语(每人三个)郑成功,肖邦,蔺相如,廉颇,谭千秋,哈尔威船长,乔依,夏洛蒂·勃朗特,霍金,鲁滨逊,牛郎, 孔子论管仲中孔子是如何认为管仲的 英语7.The police found that the house ________ and a lot of things _______.7.The police found that the house ________ and a lot of things _______.a.has broken into;has been stolen b.had broken into;had been stolen c.has been broken into;stolen d.ha The police found that the house had been broken into and a lot of things ____为什么是stolen 而不是 had been stolen如果一定要用had been stolen 有严格的语法错误吗? 阅读短文完成练习——盖房子的故事························ The police found that the house ( )and a lot of things ( ).等The police found that the house ( )and a lot of things ( ).A.has broken into ;has been stolenB.had been broken into;had been stolenC.had been broken into;has been stolenD.was broken into;w 照例子完成习题例:意思:强劲有力 (强劲)意思:环境整洁 ( )意思:秩序安定 ( )意思:尊重礼貌 ( )意思:力争上游 ( ) The police found that the house ____and a lot of things ___A has broken into,has been stolenB had broken into,had been stolen C has been broken into,stolenD had been broken into,stolen 请翻译Review the direct speech &indirect speech could not find the required version of the Java(TM)2 Runtime Environment in '(null)'在安装64位j2ee时报的错 java初学者:Could not find the main class?按书上说的编了一个:public class DisplayWindom {//main():应用程序入口public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.print("邓小平说:");System.out.println("不管白猫、黑猫, no JVM could be found on your system.Please define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to an installed 32-bit JDK or download a JRE from www.java.com"我已经下载了java软件 打开程序的时候还是这样 盼望大侠帮帮我 这是打开我们公司 形容接连不断的到来 形容(山脉.河流.雨雪)接连不断是什么词 安装exe4j的时候出现“no JVM could be found on your system.Please define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME..."怎么办?“no JVM could be found on your system.Please define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to an installed 32-bit ” 这题我求的答案是1/4,但它给的答案是4 Turn the following sentences into direct speech or indirect speech 孩子问到这样一个语文题目:“天空中的星星象孩子的眼睛一样眨呀眨的”运用了什么修辞手法?还有象”小鸟象孩子一样在树梢上唱着歌“运用什么修辞手法?到底比喻与拟人有什么区别?如 For us to learn English well is very difficult3个同义句 We all find ___very difficult to learn English wellA.thisB.thatC.itD.what 天空中的星星快活的眨着眼睛.(运用了什么修辞手法) It's very difficult to learn English well,but you can't___.a.put it up b.take it up c.look it up d.give it up 隋唐时期的历史典故现在就要!谢拉 .“将军三箭定天山,战士长歌入汉关”说的是唐朝哪位将军? 关于暗喻的问题“迷宫般的屋子”我们都会说成是:a labyrinth of room 那英语中“铁石般的心肠”为什么是:a heart of stone 而不是a stone of heart呢?那“宫殿般的房子”我们是说成:a palace of house 根据意思写词语,形容接连不断﹝多指话多) 形容接连不断(多指话多)