
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 11:51:17
小屁孩的近义词是啥? (三个字的) Perfect Fast delivery Perfect product,perfect service中文是什么意思 美食的近义词(三个字) 烈、静、望、这三个字的近义词各是什么(各4个)谢谢! active的比较级可以写activer吗? Present perfect/ present perfect progressive. Make any corrections necessary.They has bought a new house since the last time i saw them.We visit my friend in the hospital many times this year.Claudia have been skiing, but I am not sure when she went. How to make them Present Perfect?1.We very busy since last May.2.She the senior manager for five years.3.We just witnessed a terrible fight.4.We longed for a gentle pace of life of the earlier days.5.We already mailed our Christmas cards.6.I didn't s Thing which is locked in by the time, but must wait for the time to open.什么意思 Simple present/ present progressiveEvery day, students_________(study) English at NESE.Nina always_______(speak) English outside of class.You________ (work) very hard.Oh no! It_____________(rain) and I don't have my umbrella.The library _________ platform service extensins是什么 Dick Weber won the open US championships four times in a rowin a row 的意思是连续的 I have to get up (by/at) 6o‘clockI have to get up by 6o‘clock I have to get up at 6o‘clock 这两句话是不是都没有语法错误?如果有错,请说出为什么. Let Kate carry the heavy box 改否定句[ ] [ ] Kate carry the heavy box[ ] Kate[ ] [ ]the heary box要有两种哦! 求帮忙写10个英语句子!Present Perfect 时态的,5个用For,5个用Since.谢 cs里的这句英语中的present perfect 现在完成时对现在造成了什么影响?The bomb has been planted 英语语法结构问题We were interested in the extent to which ocular drift and, particularly, ocular microtremor are due to central drives tending to synchronise extraocular muscle unit discharge at particular frequencies.上面这句话中,to wh are you 什么out在come feel get go make throw 中选 mail 这个词后面接sp.中间用不用加“to”它是及物动词吗?sp.我指代的是网址要是这样可以吗 homework是及物动词么.后面用加to么. 做发带 用什么布料 如果动词后面加to就是不及物动词对吗? 我26日晚上看到一个UFO是什么悬停在空中不动,在闪光 在月球真的发现了外星人吗 与‘割袍断义’意思相近的词 I keep faith don't forget.Baby we keep the faith eternally. baby we keep the faith eternally 求keep the faith 中文歌词求Michael Jackson唱的《keep the faith》 中文歌词!很喜欢这首歌,不过有他太多好听的歌了! Keep the that box is ____( big ) of all . 真的有外星人吗?为什么有很多外星人的传闻 用used to,be used to,would连词成篇 can the into we what wood make连词成句