
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 10:16:45
3道高中英语单选题The driver was at ----- loss when ----- word came that he was forbidden to drive because of speeding,A a:the B /:/ C the:the D a:/What do you think of the Spring Festival Party?Well great But I don't think much of ----- held 3道高中英语单选题,求详细解释~~~1.-Your book, Tommy?-No, mom,it's my friend's.-Remember to returm it to _____ name is on it.A.what B.which C.whose D.whosever2.-Daniel must have lost his job in that unempolment crisis, ______ 请教几道高中英语单选题(1)----Brad was Jane's brother. ----____he reminded me so much of Jane!A.No doubt B.Above all C. No wonder D.Of course提问:为什么选C不选A? No doubt 与No wonder 有何区别?(2)A 1.Dr.Smith is ____leading expert on stress who has been doing___research in this field A.the;the B.the;/ C.a;/ D.a;the2.When you're in Barcelona,don't miss the picasso Museum-----the building______would make the visit worthwhileA.only B.independently 我从未放弃过爱你,只是从浓烈变的悄无声息. 我选择爱你,放弃你爱我.意思是什么?我在日记里看见这句话,想乐很久不明白其中的逻辑,看上去很简单,真正的去理解这段话的意思,想起来很纠结. 爱我的请继续, 您能告诉我CPR是什么英文的简写, 陈太丘与友期里相委而去的而是什么意思 陈太丘与友期中“相委而去”的委是什么意思?陈太丘与友期中“友人惭,下车引之”的之是什么意思?陈太丘与友期中“元方入门不顾”的顾是什么意思? 《陈太丘与友期》中相委而去的相的意思 如何求1到n中有多少个数与n互质 陈太丘与友期中“相委而去”的“相”是什么意思? 作文 我的玩乐生活写什么事好 我的玩乐生活!我想问一下我写学骑自行车我能扣多少分?内容大致如下我和爸爸去公园学骑自行车!然后通过困难我学会了!并用自行车和同学经常出去玩!最后我写这就是我的玩乐生活?40分里 When did she go to school this morning?She went to school at 7:40.中文 在三角形ABC中,角C=90度,2a=根号3c,则c分之a= ,角A= 度则c分之a= 主观唯心主义和客观唯心主义的简单解释? 自然界的万事万物是绝对精神的体现和派生物 属于主观唯心主义还是客观唯心主义 不得力是什么意思? Betty got up too late today,so she left a hurry.C.hurried Betty does not ____ get up early,so she is ____ late for schoolA.never;alwaysB.always;oftenC.always;neverDnever;neverPlease tell me why. Helen got up too late this morning ,so she went to school____breakfast.Anot have Bon Cwith Dwithout There is a woman near the house.改为复数句 Amy got up late so she went to school without ____(have) breakfast .Without doing 可是又是过去式,哎 思路好乱, 太空中的虫洞以及速度接近光速的宇宙飞船可以回到过去,是同一个空间里,发生时间穿越吗?还是同一个时间里,发生空间穿越.又或者是不同的空间里,发生时间穿越 如果你环绕世界旅行,如果你只能带一样东西供自己娱乐,你会选择哪一样?要有原因的!不能是那种容易沉迷的! 让你独自驾舟环绕世界旅行,只能带一样东西供自己娱乐,你会选择什么呢?为什么急! 如果你独自驾舟旅行只能选一样东西自己娱乐你会选择什么 写一篇作文 如果你环球旅行,只能带一样东西供自己娱乐,你会选择哪一样?一本书.(修辞手法) 予之齿者去其角,傅其翼者两其足出处和意思. 予之齿者去其角,傅之翼者两其足 是什么意思