
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 18:09:06
Someone(must have been)here this morning.为什么括号里要这么填写 英语翻译黑黑的天空低垂亮亮的繁星相随虫儿飞虫儿飞你在思念谁天上的星星流泪地上的玫瑰枯萎冷风吹冷风吹只要有你陪虫儿飞花儿睡一双又一对才美不怕天黑只怕心碎不管累不累也不管 the noise of the street stopped after midnight the noise of the street ( )( )( )midnight 应用写作,请问公文的标题有哪几种类型?并每种标题至少举一个例子. be,beenhe is said ____ abroad,but I don't know what country he studied in.have studied,不可以是to have been studying 英语语法been和goneHELLO!I have just《been》to the shops.I have bought lots of things.请问括号里 外什么不能填gone! be的过去分词been的问题I have been very busy the last few days与I have always been in love with you.这俩句话have been后面跟的不是现在完成进行时(have been doing)的结构,也不是现在完成时(have been done)的结构.而 beware of oak,it draws the stroke,麻烦知道的告诉一下 英语翻译“虫儿飞”怎么翻译?既贴切又有诗意?直译的话,有虫子在天上飞那种感官上恶心的感觉。 公文中附件的位置,是在日期前还是后,是不同的公文形式附件有不同的位置么,比如函和通知一样么?比如 xx关于的函xxx:正文附件:1.xxx;2.xxx;3.xxx.年月日版记是这样么? 公文中主题词中的词语如何选择的? 关于卢旺达事件卢旺达曾爆发过历史上最严重的种族PK大屠杀,糊涂族跟土戏族的仇恨.当时为什么联合国不派兵去维护和平?另外,美国不派兵而被人指责,那么如果当初它派兵了,又肯定被人说 虫儿飞用英语怎么说?准确一点啊、、、 卢旺达是怎样的卢旺达的战乱 He made a?opening speech yesterday.A.success B. succeed C.successful Dsuccessfuiiy yao fan yi these patients need good____(treat),or they will die The flowers need watering.请问need waThe flowers need watering.请问need watering是什么用法 江南style 中 PSY 求一篇《鲁滨逊漂流记》的英文影评.要英文的.300字左右~ 某个名人对鲁宾逊漂流记的评价 英文的 已经不需要了 谁随便写点什么, 7.The bell for class rang.The students stopped to sing and got ready for the lesson.to sing 错了 应该改成什么 为什么~ student B tries to find the thing in class room.中的tries 是什么词性 How does your idea work in practice?怎么翻译! describe on way of a school you attended recently improve这倒口语题怎么说?托福的托福口语describe on way of a school you attended recently improve45秒,中文意思都不太明白……急! 大多数怎么说 the majority of the most of 还是most of the ,为什么.之中有什么知识点? Students go away when the bell rang.这句话是病句吗 When the bell rang,the students were running to the p______ . 1、When the bell rang,all the students ran to the playground as( )as possible A、quick B、quicklyC、more quikly 并请说明一下原因 When I just____(enter)the classroom,the bell rang.我是初二的,这里应该填写什么呢? 描写雪后美景的句子 速求句子,不是词语 eight partsof speech debate After the bell rang,a group of teachers___the lesson,stood up and came out of the classroom,___the students.A.attending;following B.attending;followedC.attending;followed D.attended;following