
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 20:48:35
Even next second we didn't meet,on one second we will meet怎么回 淡淡的祝福用英语怎么说 Alice,together with two boys,__for having broken the rule.A.was punishedB.punishedC.were punishedD.being punishedA 求原因还有其他为什么错了-.-thanks~ Alice,together with tow boys ,_____for having broken the rule,A was punished B punished C were punished D being punishedFreezing rain hit many parts of the region on Sunday,______ icy situations on the Roads,Aleading to B sticking to Cturning to Dref piay chess Alice together with her two ,______to Beijing for a holiday.A.are going B.have gone C.gone D.is going望好心人能顺便说明解题原因, We can hardly imagine the difficulty the kid had ( ) his sick parents. 用support的形式填请写出详细过程 chess piay chess又是什么意思 法语中partir是不是必须跟pour连用?举简单例子说明吧 法语就partir这个词,我问“出发”意思,它必须紧紧挨着 pour?举简单例子说明~· Delay No More 的发音用白话怎么翻译? 春天的好词好句急啊!快重赏1000 ()(luck),the little boy found his parents at all.kuai! 描写春天的词语 We love,we live We give what we can give And take what little we deserveWe love,we liveWe give what we can giveAnd take what little we deserve 有关遗传学的生物题现有一待测核酸样品,经检测后,对碱基个数统计和计算得到下列结果:(A+T):(G+C)=(A+G):(T+C)=1,根据此结果,该样品a.无法被确定是脱氧核糖核酸还是核糖核酸b.可被 Tom ______(not look)well.应该写什么,原因是什么,Tom ______(not look)well.应该写什么,原因是什么,请详细讲解一下原因是什么,越详细越好.期待高人中. 格列佛游记好词好句1000 读课文把种树人的回答概括起来.例 问:到底什么时间来?多久浇一次水?答:模仿老天下雨,时间不确定.1问:桃花心木为什么无缘无故会枯萎?答:2问:如果你每天都来浇水,桃花心木该不会枯 in the afternoon he got b____ home at 4:00 You haven't got _____(go) home at the moment.快You haven't got _____(go) home at the moment. 红色鼠尾草和白色鼠尾草杂交,F1为紫色植株,F2得314株紫色,117株红色,148株白色,若F2中的红色植株互相授粉,则后代表型及比例为?过程也写下哈 哪里有卖可移动工具手推车的? do u think sleep is an important way to relax 这是一个雅思口语的问题,我应该怎么回答?20S 以内的答还有一个问题,describe a day which you spent away from your work and study to relax?(where you spent your free time,with whom w she has many things to do at home .she is often (i )for class.根据首字母填空 The doctor operated _____Tom's stomach(填介词) 填上介词:Tom bought earrings for his mother ___presents Tomorrow I feel like ——Hong Kong.横线上是填to go 还是going ,为什么这样填写呢? 描写鸽子的诗歌 why signs are important in our lives?写几句话~说明原因.句中的signs指的是我们在公共场所看到的的,而不是商家的LOGO 电脑在我们的生活中起着举足轻重的作用 Computers—— ——important ——in our lives 什么选自小说集《呐喊》