
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 18:52:45
(30)帮忙翻译成英文~琵琶声,到如今还在这里响起.穿越千年的寻觅,旧梦依稀.这一声叹息,是人间的多少哀怨.天涯漂泊落浔阳,伤心泪滴.琵琶声,到如今还在这里响起.素手弄琵琶,琵琶声响叮 三生教育最好连谁提出的,祖宗, check this的意思check this onMouseDown="Check(this,2) A good teacher often helps his students to learn something______.He doesn't just teaches his studestudents.A with themselves B for themselves C by himself D with himself he does not like music 同义句 He___ ___ ____music ____ such great progress in such a short time.为什么是Never has any country made而不是Never have any country made或Never has a country made He made such great progress that everyone was deeply impressed.帮我分析一下这个句子,为什么要用i...He made such great progress that everyone was deeply impressed.帮我分析一下这个句子,为什么要用impressed而不是而不是 “so that+从句”可以作为一个独立的句子存在吗比如说:So that I can study well.这个句子是否正确? 讲解一下that引导的从句 writing a report的意思 英语翻译快………………! Report Writing是什么?我要专业术语 dicover the ways还是find out the ways 关于Report writing的一点问题how might the use of pathos,ethos,and logos be applied to report writing in your field.(my field is IT)希望得到个系统的大概阐述 by Englishthanks~ --"How long are you going to be away?"--"For_____"A.sometimes B.some times C.some time D.sometime How long are you going to _____for your holiday in HongKong? A. be off B.be away这两个短语有什么区别吗?能具体说说嘛 I have 3 questions ,could you help me?用所给词的适当形式填空There 2 lifts in the building .They ____(take)people up and down.He'll come and say goodbuy to us before he ____(leave)our city.Now close your eyes .We _____(pass)the erase r and away有关的词组及翻译? 翻译:Anchors away是一个要服海军役的丈夫在临行前对妻子说的:I guess this is it, dear.我看就这样吧,亲爱的.Anchors away!Anchors away该怎样翻译 按要求填诗句.1.菊花里有陶渊明的隐士情怀:“————————”2.莲花里有周敦颐的高洁品格:“————————” 按要求填词语跟(平平整整)一样的五个跟(油亮 油亮)一样的五个带有连 带 的成语如(连蹦带跳) 英语翻译 按要求填诗句~1.有时候,我们对自己所处的环境,正在做的事反而不及旁人清楚,这就是“____________,____________.”宋代诗人苏轼的《 》中的诗句“___________-,____________.”说明了这个问题 He is _____(搜索) the cupboard for his dong food. 纸船 寄母亲中"泪"和"悲哀" I like eating what kind of food at the moment.这属于哪什么句型?what 起什么作用,怎么翻译? Dong ’t t_____ the food into the cage in the zoo .带上翻译 谢谢大家啦 巨型阿拉斯加最大能长多大 根据要求填诗句1.宁死不屈的诗句2.写泉水的诗句 求Flown Away类似的歌曲,百听不厌,令人陶醉 Flown Away是谁唱的.有没有歌词Flown Away是谁唱的 有没有歌词 试听在这里 土豆的地址 放心看但绝对不是 Lene Marlin的歌这个歌是我在 魔兽世界 时光之穴 那个视频里看的 作者是 添天3年前 但是