
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 13:38:51
mr.black would help those in trouble,i would ______a do so b do the same 选哪个,为什么? i am not easy to (take in) 对么 是不是应该用 be taken inI am not easy to (take in) 对么 是不是应该用 be taken in我的意思是"我不容易被欺骗" I am not easy to take in 正确 还是 I am not easy to be taken in 正 He went into his office and l___ uo a cigarette.是 l_____ up... Tina was late for class again.Miss Li walked ____and went into her office without saying anything有适当的介词或副词完成 After coming into the buildings,he walked____the lift and went __to the tenth floorAtowards;up B.into;up C.to down(可以排除了)D.into;\ 这篇阅读肿么做 seize today for tomorrow的相关文章 be known to us 被我们所熟知 这个词组介词用的对不对? 众所周知:著名的英文(短语,单词) 不能用well-known ,famous越快越好 well-dressed的词组搭配或搭配 两个 为什么是 go hiking in the mountains,而不是 go hiking in the mountain,the不是接单数名词 He likes playing computer games (because its exciting)框内提问 we are thinking about---in the mountain A.go hiking B.going hiking C.going to hike D.go to hike your love never fails never gives up never run out on me是哪首歌的歌词 Let us go hiking.填空.--- --- ---hiking?--- we --- ---? 新概念2册学完的话 能达到高中的什么水平? RT,explorer的发音是什么? The girl doesn't have a key ring.(改为同义句) The girl ______ a key ring . 像“胆战心惊”的词语有哪些?就是前后两个意思相近,“胆战”和“心惊”.希望各路豪杰赶紧帮我答题~ 在字母S后的读音一定都要浊化吗?回答要全面点啊,我真的不知道啊! 单词s+p/t/k什么时候浊化,什么时候不浊化?单词什么时候要重读和不重读?那个字母发“了”这个音 learning math is very boring为什么这里要用动名词呢?我觉得应该是动词啊,"learn math"可以当做主语啊,为什么要加Ing Twenty years down in the road ,your house is always worth more than you paid for it .I'm much obliged for your help! Though it sounds a bit expensive,the house by the river is worth __A being bought B buying 为什么不选A 而是B? 2010(去年)考研英语B区国家线是多少啊,今年会涨吗?总分的国家线又是多少啊?我是考的会计,应该属于管理类的吧.英语分数线应该是一样吧 2010年考研英语的A区国家线是多少?只知道去年B区的是35 因为我报的是A区 所以想知道去年A区是多少 想知道A区和B区一般英语线会差多少? 2010年考研英语国家线是多少? 跟提心吊胆担惊受怕的近义词都有哪些? 提心吊胆的近义词是什么 提心吊胆的近义词【两个字的哦】急十万火急 rolling in the deep'-- mike tompkins mp3 给发个呗. 有篇文章 帮看下修改下好的继续追加分数!错过错过了桃花送走雪花春风唤醒田蛙的春.错过了浪花裂开心花荷盖展开春霞的夏.错过了稻禾沾满金露树木寄走枯叶的秋.错过了山坡覆盖白雪水