
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 12:56:07
it's gone,这里的it‘s是it has 还是it is?it's gone 12已经过了12点,这里的it‘s是it has 还是it is?雅思听力里的 陶行知简介70 it is gone 有谁知道,陶行知的简介 it is 这是什么句?被动语态吗 陶行知的简介 end和finish的区别Thanks to your help,we have it ____.A.finished B.ended应该选什么?为什么?还有另一道题:How soon will the meeting ____A.finish B.end这个又选什么呢?两道题考点好象差不多,我想知道原因, over和finish有什么区别 last,finish,end和over在表示最后或结束时有什么区别? Mum,why do you always make me eat an egg everyday?___ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.a.get b.getting c.to get d.to be getting为什么不是b? why do you always make me do the things which I do not want to?这句话中的句尾为何没有do即 …… which i do not want to "do"?中的 do 为何 没有,可以省略吗? 着急!Why do you always ()()()the tree outside?你为什么总看外面的树? why the reason you couldn't come always make me feel upset,这个句子的语法正确吗?; 求一首歌 ,歌词里貌似有 i just wanna do you know,baby...歌词里貌似有 i just wanna do you know,baby...然后高潮部分是some some sometime女声 节奏有点快的还有一句歌词是 got sometime sometime sanes 因为唱的比较 女孩唱的,有句歌词是please don't let me go,i just wanna stay please don't let me go,I just wanna stay 是什么意思?就上边说的咯.希望给咱正确的回答哈. 问一首歌,歌词有几句是I don't have another heart for breaking please let me go I just wanna say大致歌词是I don't have another heart for breaking,please let me go,I just wanna say,can't you feel my heart beats,leaving me away,I just hope 特殊疑问句用or还是and?What does your sister like ,music,art_______sports?A.and B.or C.but 疑问句中用and不用改orDo you have two brothes and a sister?上面这个句子and在疑问句中不是要该成or吗?可这个问句还是用and?为什么?不要怀疑题目错误 疑问句中要把and改or吗 14 再见了亲人 小练笔 从课文中挑选一件志愿军战士为朝鲜人民所做的事,展开想象,再写下来.一定要从文中的,回答的内容不要太多重复 PHOTOSHOP中移动工具怎么用 关于初三英语语法!(1)Neither Jim nor his cousins ( ) to America,but ( ) of them know the country very well.A.has been,both B.have been,both c.have been,all D.has been,all答案是选C,与"neither...nor..."结构作主语时遵循“就近 Lucy want to go to school by bike.错在哪儿? 根据所给词语的提示,写出问句和答句 1.does go school how Lucy to?(ride her bike)Q:_________________________________________   A:_________________________________________  2.you  how  do  get  house  your?(walk)Q:____ competition的同义词快啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 谢谢 Lucy goes to school by bike.Lily goes to school by bike,too.改成同义句Lucy goes to school by bike,and ( )( )( ). 英语选择题:___some juice and milk in our fridge1:There are 2:There is 答案选第二个,为什么? make a noise/ make noises/ make noise 哪个对? 要期末了啊!英语there isn't some milk or eggs in the fridge.为什么是isn't 而不是aren't?some milk 不是复数吗,难道是不可数就要用isn't?一定要100%对的加了some 是不可数吗?是不是不可数就要用ISN'T?"如果句 which English book was bought by you yesterday? Here is a cake and some milk . 请帮助划分句子成分 make a noise与make noises哪个正确