
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:38:54
英语翻译一个出国的同学叫我注册了个国外的个人主页,有人给我留言,叫我给她发电邮.我就发了,没想到她还真回了,回的好长.我英语也不太好,4级都还没过,只能看懂个大概,Dearest One,I am more th 英语翻译是我女朋友写的 英语翻译这句话可以翻译成既然选择了远方便只顾风雨兼程吗 Distance only makes two hearts more distant 初中英语哪些单词后加to do,那些加do那些加doing? Andy likes playing football,but Millie _____.这题填not还是doesn‘t? The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is confidential and intended to be s 1. 实验任务利用单片机实验装置的T0、T1的定时计数器,来完成电子秒表设计2、要求:(1)、4位LED显示计时时间,精确到百分之一秒.(2)、可用一个按键控制“开始”,“停止”和“清零”. 电子秒表怎么关?如题··· 电子秒表 上海手表五厂 制造. 如何关闭电子秒表 1.We are ------ that he is going to have a ----- party for herA.surprised surprise B surprised surprised C surprise surprised D surprise surprise2.It's no use ------ about it all the time .Why not have a talk with them.A talking B writing C hearing D 英语达人通俗易懂的解释young man who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justfibliy feel bitter in the thougth that they have been cheated of best things that life has to offer.句中有3个that他们怎么翻译,和 英语单选题讲解,求通俗易懂的详细解释与分析, Do you think it’s a good idea to make friends with your students?---------,I do.I think it’s a great idea.A.Really B.Obviously C.Actually D.GenerallyAccording to stati 归耶和华为圣是什么意思 下面对文章标题“购买上的的男孩”中的“上帝”一词的理解,A.指圣经中上帝耶和华B.在本文中小男孩老人都是特鲁普的上帝C.指“上帝之吻”牌饮料D.真正的上帝指人们的爱心 My father often ____ his weekend _____.I ____ Tom___ his weekend _____.He went for a walk.=He ___to ____ a walk. My father often helps me ___ my math 用动词的适当形式填空It's his _____(twenty)birthday today.不是动词的适当形式哦 My father often ()me()my homework. 上帝是男是女上帝叫什么名字?上帝是耶和华吗? I missed to catch the early bus this morning.改错 Li Lei got up early this morning -----the early bus.A .catch B.caught C.to catch D.catching请说出为什么 She got up late this moring,so she missed the early bus.(改为同义句)She got up late this moring,so she_____ _____the early bus. 急求同义句,补充下面的空,got up too late .He missed the early bus this moring.he got up____late ___he ___ ___the early bus this morining. ( )He missed the train_____he got up late this morning. One morning,Mary got up so late that she missed the school bus如何翻译 过去将来时和将来进行时的区别 Although he got up early this morning,but he didn't catch the early bus.这句话哪里错了 初三英语词汇复习的方法?概述:快要中考了,为了巩固英语词汇,我买了一本《曲一线2000词》(按照ABCDEFG……排列+释义+例句+用法+辨析+注意+习题等等的书),内容的确很详细.一些一词多义的 隆中对都说了些什么 《隆中对》的“恤”是什么意思 隆中对中说民殷国富而不知存恤,是说谁不知存恤谁?到底是张鲁自己不知存恤百姓还是刘璋不存恤张鲁?是三国志中那个隆中对