
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 10:32:23
----Shall we go skating or stay at home?----Which _______ do yourself?为什么选B33.----Shall we go skating or stay at home?----Which _______ do yourself?A.will you rather B.would you rather C.would you prefer D.should you rather 为什么选B 不 我今年上高二,是刚上任的文科班的语文课代表,急需一些能够为班级体服务的有关语文的好的活动(就是上语文早自习时能干的!) Please don`t talk!(改为同义句)( ) ( ),please! 我觉得“clothes”这个读音有奇怪到底thes分别发的音能不能合成一个音?还是要分开读? 1973年以美元为中心的资本主义世界体系崩溃,它所放映的实质问题是 布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,美元在世界货币体系中还处于中心地位吗 急求一句话翻译 :They will become aware of what is going on in their country,and they will be abl 翻译Demographics will inexorably work their will. 这里是柳高,我如何当好物理科代表?我要做些什么? 以下的20个音标各要15的单词[i:] [ i ] [ei] [ou] [e] [æ] [ai] [au] [ə:] [ə] [ɔi] [iə][ʌ] [a:] [εə] [uə][ɔ:] [ɔ][u:] [u]比如:[i:] he she we ...[i] busy city dedd... The teachers don't allow students to take their phones to school.有没有语法错误? school 语文家教辅导经验.经中间人介绍去做家教,本来说是去辅导初二英语的,去他们家了解了情况之后,他妈妈说主要辅导语文(好像从来没听说过语文要请家教的,还是家长对孩子的期望太高啊), 如何当好一名语文家教? 怎么做好一名语文家教呢 英语翻译The Contractor shall throughout the progress of the Works have full regard for the safety of all persons entitled to be upon the Site and shall keep the Site and the Works in an orderly state,appropriate to the avoidance of danger to such some thing should be read rapidly throughout 中文意思 The life essence is joyful and joyful should grasp by oneself throughout.什么意思求解 --- Students should try to do a little studying every evening throughout the term,rather than study all night during the week before the exam.--- Exactly.____________.A.Practice makes perfect B.The early bird catches the worm C.Slow but sure wins the what's the ,please?it's four 介词副词填空 Jeff goes to work( )and his wife goes to work() bike,on her a car ,on her bike cars ,by bikes his car ,by bike 孔子的主要教育思想有哪些? 孔子主要宣扬了哪些政治和教育思想 罗斯福为何能连任四届美国总统?美国总统不是只能连任两届吗?为什么罗斯福能连任四届? 美国总统中有两个叫罗斯福的吗?一个叫西奥多罗斯福一个叫富兰克林罗斯福那个二战中度过经济危机的是哪个? 英语翻译妈妈说的话应该翻译成把它吃完.作为孩子该如何回答呢? 蔓的多音字组词蔓 wan( ) ma( ) please英语怎么读 用蔓字组词越多越好 蔓有什么组词 I don't know the where your house is.(改为同义句) Where is your house Is there any ------- in the neighborhood?A identity B access C milestone D landmark逐一分析