
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 01:33:35
They are going to Japan the day after tomorrow.(改同义句)They are ()()Japan the day after tomorrow. They are going to America the day after tomorrow.(同义句转换)They are going to America the day after tomorrow.=They are ____ ____ America the day after tomorrow. 小学四年级上册第八单元习作:想象作文(人教版) 急需人教版四年级下册第八单元作文! 【英语选择】tom,__ to your teachers carefully in class and you ___it easy to study well.1)tom,__ to your teachers carefully in class and you ___it easy to study well.[listen;will find/listens;find/listen;find/listens;will find] 2)to the north o 初三 英语 listen to carefully 还是 listen carefully 请详细解答,谢谢! (18 21:2:29)listen  to  carefully  还是  listen carefully 甲、乙两人骑车同时分别从A、B两地相对出发,甲每小时行16千米,乙每小时行14千米,两人在距中点2千米处悬赏分看回答甲、乙两人骑车同时分别从A、B两地相对出发,甲每小时行16千米,乙每 甲乙两人同时从a出发到b,甲每小时行16千米,乙因为有事晚出发,为了能和甲同时到达,乙每小时行20千米,甲走完全程的75%时,速度每小时减少了4千米,乙在距离b地4千米处追上了甲,求ab两地相 A,B两城相距150千米,甲乙两人同时骑自行车从两地相对出发,甲每小时行16千米,4小时后,两人还相距30千米,乙每小时行多少千米? Read the e-mail from your frend and draw the route from the airport to his house.中文翻译 My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.(同上)---- ----going to see a play the day after tomorrow.---- ----going to see a play the day after tomorrow? 0、甲每分钟走70米,乙每分钟走60米,丙每分钟走50米,甲从A地,乙丙从B地同时出发,相向而行,,甲在遇到乙2分钟后又遇见丙,求AB两地距离. 平嘴钳有什么用 钳子干什么用? 费尔巴哈是德国古典哲学的主要代表人物吗?从严格的意义来说,费尔巴哈是德国古典哲学的代表人物吗?从严格的意义来说,费尔巴哈是德国古典哲学的代表人物吗?我不是只想要一个答案, 新月派主要代表人物? 亚当斯密是德国古典哲学的代表人物吗 德国古典哲学的代表性人物有没有康德 德国古典哲学是马克思主义的直接理论来源之一,其代表人物有 A.李嘉图 B.黑格尔 C.费尔巴哈 D.圣西门 电焊工用J507 为什么用直流焊机 怎末接 把钳子要接到正极还是负极啊! 一着棋的着是读zhuo第二声还是zhao第一声?一通鼓的通是第一声还是第四声? Twenty students were chosen___to take part in the experiment accident B .one practice D at random为什么不是C? The student who were asked to do the extra work last week have already got home.怎么翻译? 为什么蝉在树上产卵而在地下生幼虫? 求y=(2^x-1)/(2^x+1)的值域 求y=|x-1|+|x+2|的值域. 求y=1/1-x(x y=2^(x-1)值域 小学四年级下册6单元作文怎么写? At the news ____ their teams had ____ the game ,all the student were excited.A.which.won B.that,won C.that,defeated D.that,defeated competition与 contest的区别要简明扼要,通俗易懂,但要深刻, 求y=2^(1-x^2)值域