
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 21:59:57
春望杜甫 客家民居的结构谢谢大家,我不用了,投票之后我再给分 求英语大神拯救我要英语演讲了,所以帮忙翻译一篇短文吧,不能用翻译器:我从小和我奶奶一起长大.我爷爷在1993年就去世了,所以奶奶这一辈子很不容易.小时候,有次我不愿去上学,奶奶很生 补全对话hello.May i speak to Miss Yangm=Mrs Green A=a teacherM:hello.May i speak to Miss Yang?A:Hold on for a moment,please.I'm sorry she isn't here at the moment could t take a message M:Oh,that's very kind ( ) you .I want to speak to her ( ) my Hello!May I speak to Miss Lee,please?Sorry,I'm afraid you have the wrong___.A.name B.way C.number D.telephone -Hello,could I speak to Miss Fang,please?-______I'll get her for you.A.Hold on,pleaseB.I'm Miss Fang.C.Who are you?D.She is at work. 英语选择:"hello!may l speak to miss white?"which of the following responses is wronga.speakingb.miss whoc.one momentd.who are you?a和c肯定是对的,关键是b和d哪个是错的! the children says that they have never been to new york( 对划线部分提问)划线部分that they have never been to new york 填空the children said that they (want) to have ice creamRT I have heard ______ children tell me that they want to be doctor.A、 many too far B、 too far many C、 far too many D、many too far 英语翻译我真诚待人,坦荡做人,能以一颗平常心面对生活中的酸甜苦辣.最后,我想把这句话送给在场的每一位朋友请尽快翻译成英文, 英语翻译All goods,subject to this order need to be manufactured 100% to the European law/regulation and all related CE standards 英语翻译1、你方能否在货物及港后把余款付给我们?2、因为FOB条款是你方付运费,我们拿不到海运提单,所以我们没法让你们见海运提单副本付款3、我们在货物及港后,把货物及港的照片给你们 I play badminton with my ball .怎么填 填空1,2,3 I often play badminton with my friends.这个句子对吗? I always play badminton with my cousins.(改为否定)I ( )always ()play badminton with my cousins.要以I ( )always ()play badminton with my cousins.的形式写。 I with my sister _____(play)badminton in the yard now.空上填什么? 英语翻译I still miss her,there is no way to forget her,especially in this place ,I think I was just drunk 沿着中心街走.的英语怎么说?(全部) 我叫秋敏 起什么英文名字比较好听 我叫陈雨馨可以起什么好听的英文名?不要起 Chen yuxin yuxin Chen 之类的 比如林俊杰叫LAM JJ LAM JunJie 最好加上中文的解释和含义,谢谢 body和crayon和sharpener怎么读?(音标) eraser.crayon,怎么读 sharpener 音标要标准的哦 超级可爱的英文名要超可爱,超拽的那种,可爱又带非主流 .嘻嘻……)女生的,不要太长,太幼稚.不要发来一大堆.呵. 外贸告诉进(几各英文句子)386.After paying due consideration to your proposals and investigating your business standing ,we have decided to appoint you as our agent in the district you defined781.All expense including inspection fee and they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun than usual这里为什么用harvesting?为什么不是harvest呢? Where have they been?怎样回答?1.Do you like walking?Why do you like walking?这两个句子可以放到一起来问吗?怎么回答?2.造句:look after3个 土字旁加一个碰的右边,是什么字?怎么读?能敲出来吗? 英语翻译there be--------