来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 20:42:10
小暑大暑立秋处暑分别在什么时间又代表什么代表什么不要写太多要浓缩的! 2\1+3\1+4\1.+10\1=a 问2\1+3\2+4\3+.+10\9=()a 连接对偶:寸有所长寸有所长-( ) 24节气立秋之前是什么 离散数学判断说明题,判断正确与否并说明理由:设G是一个有7个结点16条边的连通图,则G为平面图. 一个数的平方与这个数的2倍谁大?如题 服装销售月总结怎么写啊? 若2^a=5^b=10,则1/a+1/b=______. 服装销售月末总结怎么写?是店铺月末总结.会写的朋友帮下忙,感激不尽! 要过程-2÷(-2又4分之10)×(-1.5) 怎么写品牌服装销售店长述职报告 7分之2-10分之1+5分之1 要过程 服装销售工作总结简短总结要怎么写 10:()=6/5×()=1/2=() 德语书上说 名词复数形式不是以n为词尾,在第三格时加n.如 der Herr变成 dem Herrn但是herr得复数不是 herrn 或herren吗,它的词尾是有n的啊?这是为什么 论文课本上学不到的数学 (10—1.2)÷(13.2×4/5) [1-(2/3+1/5)*1/13]\7/10 10×9分之1+(-20)÷9-30×9分之1+(-50)÷2分之9有过程快点 现在就要 六年级数学书 第74页 第4题怎么做 free of charge怎么翻译? .When I ____(enter),the ____(sit) around the table and_____(talk) quietly.2.When I ____(hear)the noise,I _______(go) to the door and ________(hide)behind it.3.Yesterday evening,while people _____(dance),the roof_________(collapse)and many people_____ 献给东方第一哨叔叔们的信 哨卡什意思,从一套好题上看到的, 英语翻译As an app developer,you don't need to worry about whether a device is Android compatible,because only devices that are Android compatible include Google Play Store.So you can rest assured that users who install your app from Google Play S 用所给词的适当形式填空:He ______ (tell) to connect the keyboard to the computer at once.She ______ (tell) to come yesterday.同义句改写:I phoned my cousin.I ______ my cousin.I ______ my cousin.I ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ 2.、挂钟6点钟敲6下,10秒敲完,那么9点钟敲9下,几秒敲完? he knows the rules but doesn't know how to__it A control B direct C apply D run 1.Mary told me that what Tim had said to her __________ very are was were 2.We can surely overcome these difficulties __________ we are closely united.even if as if as long as as good as 3.The happiness of a country consists __________ the 挂钟6点钟敲6下,10秒钟敲完;9点敲9下,几秒钟敲完?挂钟6点钟敲6下,10秒钟敲完;9点敲9下,几秒钟敲完?要列算式! 长城M4的动力表现如何? 挂钟6点钟敲6下,10秒钟敲完,那么9点敲9下,几秒钟敲完