
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 10:44:21
We are going to see a new film this coming w( ).This pair of trousers is t( ) as long as that one.It is a s( ) we missed such a wondreful party.首字母已给,用适当的形式填空,有知道的请帮下忙, This river is as long as that one=This river is _______ ________ _________ that one This bridge is twice as long as that one.这句话是应翻译成“这座桥是那座桥的2倍长”还是“这座桥比那座桥长2倍”“这座桥是那座桥的2倍长”和“这座桥比那座桥长2倍”当然有区别了阿这座桥是 青春能挥霍么正直花季年华的我们是否还在迷茫地过生活. 英语翻译珊瑚石的英文翻译是Coral Stone 对吗, 珊瑚礁历险记 CORAL REEF ADVENTURE怎么样 珊瑚色是什么颜色?珊瑚色要怎么搭配才好看? 帮助人们抓小偷的英语是什么求大神帮助 抓小偷用英语怎么讲 Every morning he p( ) running in the park.P什么? My grandfather enjoys running in the park every morning用at the moment作状语改写My grandfather---- ---- ----in the park at the moment 1.They spent three days with us on the i----.2.Every morning he p----- running in the park. Danny -----(like) to go to the park every sunday morning.中间横线部分添什么? Because I like running every morning,and then I r____ English for an hour. another two hours 为什么不说other two hours或the other two hours? the two man one is from England ( )is from Africa A the other B another 口语交际珍惜资源如上 求现创没重复的 珍惜 口语交际作文!珍惜资源! 母亲与家长会阅读答案母亲与家长会 第一次参加家长会,幼儿园的老师说:“你的儿子有多动症,在板凳上连三分钟都坐不了,你最好带他去医院看一看.” 回家的路上,儿子问她老师都说了些什 如何实践先做人后做事 英语翻译不用WE WERE吗?we were born just to be lonely。这个怎么样? how many g____ are there in the zoo.(根据首字母提示及句意,完成句子) There are many a__________ in the zoo.首字母已经写出来了,把单词写全,.并且帮我翻译下挖. 这句话那个词错了,请改正 how many sheeps are there at the zoo I will stay here for ____ two days.A.another B.the other 挥霍青春是什么意思? 挥霍青春 什么意思 挥霍青春什么意思! 青春如此挥霍是什么意思 那些肆意挥霍的青春, 先做人 后做事 这句话怎么理解? 英语翻译“孤独的时候,网络游戏就能给我小小的满足,做一个无声的人,不打扰到任何人,我是安逸的.”翻译成英语怎么说,要准确的答案.