
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 05:12:18
高考临近,我物理从高三开学时(那时复习力学)的强项怎么到现在(现在复习电学)成弱项啦!接下:接上:我在高一时力学没学好,到高三开学时猛攻力学,所以当时成为强项.现在复习电学, 越多越好 The water is used for watering the flowers.(对画线部分提问)watering the flowers画线 中国历史上最著名的特务是谁?或者有哪几个?他们都有哪些成绩? it's not----that we'd like to talk about.let's change the subjectit's not ( ) that we'd like to talk about.let's change the subject.A.anything B.someting C.nothing d.everything other,others,the other ,the others的区别希望哪位好心人来帮帮忙,把它们的最根本区别写出,简单点啊,别写太多,急望解决! Can We Talk About It 歌词 求coco-can we talk about it 的歌词 CAN WE TALK ABOUT IT 歌词中文意思我问的是李玟演唱的歌词 里面英文歌词的中文 OK? 1.两块相同的竖直木板AB之间,有质量均为m的4块相同的砖,用两个大小相等的水平压木板,使砖静止不动.设所有接触面间的动摩擦因数为u,则第二块砖对第三块砖的摩擦力大小是多少?(答案是0 1.一根均匀木棒重G,支点O位于右端1/4木棍长的地方,当右端挂上重物时恰好平衡,该重物等于A.GB.1.5GC.2/3GD.都不对2.将一根粗细不均的木棒吊着,木棒恰好水平,若沿绳处将其锯为2段,则A.粗的一端 1.质量为m的物体沿斜面向下滑动,当斜面的倾角为α时,物体正好匀速下滑,问:当斜面的倾角增大到β时,物体从高h处由静止下滑到底部需要多长时间?2.质量为45kg的物体,从地面以初速度60m/s竖直 is的反义词是什么 日本与中国签订的最主要的不平等条约是什么? in some developing countries the population is still i____此题怎么做? 懂语言学的大虾们,请看以下语言学中的概念,你们觉得这些都出自哪本语言学著作?象似性、负迁移、语法化、语言相对论、树形谱系说和波浪说就是说哪一本书涵盖了这些概念?答对者我追 The population is growing faster in __developde countries than in __devepoed countries.a.more;less b.less;more c.more;less d.little;more(选择题) population is a great c_ in developing country than in developed county Now the population in developing countries is being ______.A.stopped B.prevented C.limited D.rd是raised 为什么不对 the population of china is larger than ( )in the world A all the countries B all the other countriesC that of any country D that of any other country (解析) before the train stops,it must be A got on B taken C made D slowed down(解析 Let's talk about something pl____! 心律失常是什么 都是错哪里?1.The population of yangzhou is fewer than of beijing.2.I followed my English teacher entering the office.3.I don't think he can do the word well,can't he?4.She'll leave guangzhou to paris tomorrow. Is your little sister from Guilin?肯定否定回答 卤代烃的特殊的化学性质及特殊结构 英语翻译In a Malay house,a visit never finishes the food on the table.He leaves a little to show he has had enough. 中国的不平等条约只要名字不要简介例如:中英 《南京条约》至少7个 随着我国城市化的发展城市垃圾量不断增加现在人们处理城市生活垃圾的方法通常 do you know what love is.和do you know what is love.这是两句表示不同意思的话还是其中必定有一句是错误的? 英语翻译1.请帮忙翻译下:There is a human hand in the floods,in the form of cutting trees and land development.2.He will have ______sixty by the end of this year.A.turned B.become C.got D.taken我想知道为什么,请帮解释下, 英语翻译the more he tried to help her ,the less she seemed to feel grateful to him . 英语翻译he used to live in the city ,but now he has got used to living in the country .请问这句话的后半句怎么翻译呢?be used to doing 不是过去长长的意思吗?那这个词组前面有个now,连起来怎么翻译呢?