
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 02:32:52
替代词易错题 -May I help you?-Yes,I'd like to try some sports jackets just like ___I'm wearing.A that B the one 高中老师似乎没有说过这两个的区别似乎是等同的可是选C能解释下么.不是都是指代 the jacket么.选B = 新目标英语八年级报纸第13期Units 跪求!人教版八年级英语上册第1、2、3、4单元各总结25句子50短语是人教版的 sometimes some people just act like they are trying to help you!actually they are not Some memories are set to be irremovable.Just like some people who are irreplaceable是什么意思? Some memories,are doomed to be unable to cancel,Is just like some people,is doomed to be unable to substitute is the same.有些记忆,注定无法抹去;就好比有些人,注定无法代替. Some memories are definitely not going to erase,just like some people,doomed to the same can not b谢谢(最好有些文采)Some memories are definitely not going to erase,just like some people,doomed to the same can not be replaced Would you like some help?999句常用英语口语翻译的是:今天真漂亮!到底是对是错?我知道的: 小学英语短文(100字以内)我想获得一篇小学英语短文,有汉语翻译的,100字以内,务必要在这个周星期4之前交,我英语学的特别差,请大家帮帮忙! 谁知道小学英语作文(100多字) 急求5篇小学英语好文章摘抄100字左右,好句15个.如果好,悬赏财富提高. 英语翻译提出假想例子的方式:Suppose that...Just imagine what would be like if...It is reasonable to expect...It is not surprising that... 英语翻译进一步提出观点:...but that is only part of the history.Another equally important aspect is ...A is but one of the many effects.Another is ...Besides,other reasons are... 英语学习,关于零冠词.Though openness to both sides of the story left her feeling ambivalent about other issues,She tried to view ambivalence as an amenity instead of a negative thing.尽管她坦诚地面对事物的两面性,虽然这让她 英语冠词应用1.This one is by far ____.A.the better B.better C,a better D.best正确答案为A,求详解.2.She looked me ____eye and told me the whole story.A in the B for the C at D to the正确答案为A,求详解. 什么是零冠词啊? 英语中的零冠词是什么意思 英语翻译网络通讯的确给我们带来了太多的便捷,但是也存在大量的问题,网络也存在大量的问题,网络安全得不到保障的话,会给我们的生活带来很多麻烦,网络黑客往往会攻击我们的程序,会使 英语翻译“位于北京市海淀区海淀路甲86号豪景佳苑3号楼802室的北京凯迪兴业网络技术有限公司管辖范围内的网络视频直播机、特技切换台、中央控制视频展示台的研发及相关管理活动” 什么是英语中的副词 介词 形态动词 冠词 ……这些中文中有吗要怎么用呀主语 谓语 宾语 又是什么 如何记忆四级英语单词 怎样记英语单词效果最好吗?我要考四级啊 看来我要加悬赏分了 呵呵 英语中的ɛ:与ə:是一样的音标吗? 改为一般疑问句 We need some masks.They like making the puppet. Would you like some tea ,please? No,thanks.But Iwould like some coffee( ). A also B as wellC instead D instead of i don't need mineral water but i'd like tea thanks 为什么要填any,some _a fruit salad,we need some fruit like apples,bananas.make,makeing,to make,makes中选择一个 I’d like some tea 这句话对吗? n发什么音?用音标表示! 把一切交给我用英语怎么说如题,某人说,把一切交给我. [en]音标发什么音?不是en类似汉语里的嗯吗?为什么gender[ˈdʒendə]这个单词听着像an?e到底怎么发音?和n组合后怎么读? 把一切交给时间,翻译成英语怎么说