
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 13:31:09
She wearing a pink T-shirt.那错了 what was she wearing?She wore a yellow and blue T-shirt 问句是过去进行时 回答却用了一般过去时 为什这是小学英语六年级下册的story time 中的句子I lost my friend at the museum.What's his name?Her name is Zip.How tall i talk about love,talk about you 是哪首歌的歌词,下有链接,告诉我是谁唱的. "I had finished the job 2days before."He said改为间接引语 he wanted a job the one he had never experienced before其中the one为什么去掉the或者换成that才对? claire had her luggage checked an hour before heclaire had her luggage checked an hour before her plane left 啥意思啊 He bought an expensive coat__he had no jobA unless B since C although D till 求翻译:He had a job with an Edinburgh wine merchant. 英语:根据以下提示写60字左右的作文,说说你的爱好.1.what is you hobby?2.when and how did you become interested in this hobby?3.wht do you enjoy your hobby?4.what is your hope or plan for the future about this hobbo? 初一下册语文报纸第27期答案 "He is in today."同意句转换 1.Is that her picture?(改为复数形式)2.He is in today.(同义句转换)英语`句型转换` 月光手帕 1.文中说“我不会嘲笑她,这一举动里充满生机.”,为什么说这一举动里充满了生机?请用原文回答.2.如何理解“因为一双磨炼得很俗的眼睛极易发现月光的破绽,也就失去了一次美的 文科爱好者29期语文 海燕的课内阅读答案 They are taiking about sports in the office.﹙改成一般疑问句﹚ 英语 .The TV _________ on Channel Five are about sports.A. experiences B. performances C. programs D. problems b和C有点不懂 桃树、杏树、梨树,你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿.红的像火,粉的像霞,白的像雪.花里带着甜味儿;闭了眼,树上仿佛已经满是桃儿、杏儿、梨儿.花下成千成百的蜜蜂嗡嗡的闹着,大小的 钢铁是怎样炼成的好段加对应点评三段 以xx的假期写一篇作文 谁种过油菜花?怎么种? “The white and blue drinking bowl(饮水机)is in front of the sofa."这句话对吗?如果不对,该怎么改? (2)将一个3×3的矩阵转置,用一函数实现.在主函数中用scanf函数输入以下矩阵元素:1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15最好有截图 A sofa,a TV are(is) in it.到底是用are还是is? It is in front of the block是什么意思 My brother is tall and thin.(对划线部分提问) —————- ←画的线____________ __________ your brother?←回答在这 王力宏英语简介 短片的 Kate is tall and thin.对划线部分提问空格 is Kate 空格?划线部分是 tall and thin 不是What look like 因为后面只有一空 王力宏的英语名 等比数列,m+n=p+q,则an*am= the very book I am looking for 什么意思 1.The girl dances beautfully(改为感叹句)2.The girl is singing in the classroom(改为否定句和一般疑问句)2.They are looking for bags(对画线部分提问,画线部分是“looking for bags“) 已知等比数列{an},am=a,ak=b,求am+k.