
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:13:23
我需要准备用英语怎么说 根据所给字母写出与之发音相同的单词或句子PI-O-U 与字母“C”的读音相同的所有单词?例如: A - eight B - bee如果知道的,写上七八十个,越多越好!小女子无限感激!谢谢! 36个字母哪些字母与英文单词发音相同如:B-bee(蜜蜂) O-oh(喔) C-see(看见)还需五个类似的 谢谢 句型转换(一空一词)1.Tom is ——18—— this year(对线里的数字提问)Tom is ——18—— this year(对线里的数字提问)My brother likes baseball.(改为否定句)Jack‘s birthday is on Aprol 6th.(改为一般 1 This is ( )room A tom and jim B tom and jim is C tom is and jim is D tom is and jim2 The ( ) are playing games on the playgground A child B childs C children D children is3 ( ) is this book?It is ( ) A Who,jim B Whose,jim C where,.jim is D whose, 英语翻译once upon a time,there were three little pigs,named pete,pat and paul.they were brotherea.one day,they left their mother's house .lt was winter.they wanted to build a new house.they met a man.he had straw to sell. once upon a time 课文翻译 英语翻译看到好多,都是这么翻译的,但刚刚看了,曾几何时的意思是:没过多久.是不是现在人们都认为曾几何时是“不知什么时候”的意思啊,感觉这样理解翻译才过得去啊. once upon a time很久很久以前改成once a time不行吗?upon在这里起什么作用啊? 英语翻译Once upon a time,some children were playing at seaside when they found a turtle(海龟).They began to beat the turtle.Just at that time,a young mancame and said to them,''Stop!"The children ran____21___quickly.The turtle was very thankf 帮我取个好听有寓意的英文名我叫黄宏.小名叫宏宏.比较阳光.求个英文名 帮我取个好听寓意又不错的英文名希望是一个欢快一点的名字 特别一点我是女生 好听有寓意的英文名我是7月3号出生的,姓黄,想取一个好听又有寓意的英文名!是女的. 女生英文名 (好听的 寓意好的) 按照字母发音规律写单词. Once upon a time there lived a king.One day,the king .odered some of his servants to dig a pond 完形Once upon a time,there was a river The river lived alone Once upon a time there lived a king.He loved horses你能在保持句意不变的前提1、Once a time,there lived a king.Heloved horses._____ ____ ____,there ___a King.He ___horses very much2、One day he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful hors 谁知道以Once upon a time there lived an old man.这句话开头这篇文章的翻译 翻译Once upon a time,there lived an olive tree. 懂得穿越火线连杀英语的进来!要汉语意思就是连着杀2个 时的英语 3个 4个 5个.越多越好 英语翻译 穿越火线里夜玫瑰连杀喊的是什么英文从一到最后,分别说什么,英文写下来, 请帮忙帮我取一个有寓意,适合本人的英文名.本人名爱琳,之前一直用Elin的议音,就很多同学取什么kelin,calin得,就觉得很相似,太普通了,所以想换一个...我是一个比较活泼开朗的人. 我想取个英文名,要有“等待”的意思 为什么英文中爱用ONCE UPON A TIMEONCE UPON A TIME,英文中老出现. 求的歌词是法国电子乐队air 的专辑中的一首歌 周末你通常做什么用英语怎么说 求CF穿越火线中无线电消息的英文句子!比如“让他们尝一下我们的厉害!”就是“Keep going and stay strong team!”就像这样,越多越好.正因为我不玩CF了想留个纪念啊~CF游戏质量差得…… 穿越火线的无线电消息怎么发 穿越火线中的无线电(英文+中文)要无线电(zxc),3种手雷扔出去发出的,还有在所有模式中胜利或失败的语音