
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 14:17:49
It is the day most Americans like least 考口语,What kind of student do you think is the top student.请问该怎么回答.3-5句 求回答 what kind of student do you think is the top studentwhat kind of student do you think is the top student 英语口试题 改错-Need I go now?-Yes,I need.看着还是很对,怎么改?为什么? blow let out me candles the 怎么连成一句话 连词组句 candles,blow,please,out,the(.) John is a good boy.He often others.A helping Bhelps Chelp D will help Good learners often connect what they need to learn something interesting什么意思? He felt that his hometown is very beautiful 和 He felts that his hometown is very beautiful那一句语法对? My hometown,( A ) at the fooy of Mouny Tai,is not very modern but itis beautiful.A located B .locating为什么不选B Politburo Standing Committee 怎么翻译 ___was the population of the town in 1909//?A.What B.How many C.How much D.How You can walk along the wall in the Walled City These are some pictures of Beijing ,where is my hometown.这句话中是用"where还是用which啊?" where is your hometown为什么是is ---Please let me _____your map.---I want to know where my hometown is.A.see B.find out c.look at D.look like King,I am waiting for you to come back. 法语的resume怎么写啊?例如,对一篇故事的概括,只用三句话.谁能随便写个例子给我看看吗?什么内容都行一般有什么要素? Resume中具体的地址怎么写?有点低能的问题,不过一下子真难住了请问resume中具体地址怎么写?比如:上海市 北京东路413弄18号303室Thx a lot Resume这样写可以吗我现在格式是 1、personal information 2、Career Objective 3、Education Backgroud4、Work Experience 5、self assessment 6、certifications 7、RELEVANT INFORMATION 该怎么改进呢,另外球迷能写进兴 we can walk along all of the great wall,改为一般疑问句 这段话看的我很绕 不知道是什么意思 求大神帮忙Cultural difference is the process of the enunciation of culture as ‘knowledgeable’, authoritative,adequate to the construction of systems of cultural identification…. Cultural di 牢靠的近义词.严谨的近义词.柔和的反义词. 单项选择 This kind of robot will()help people do housework.A.can B.is able to C.couldD.be able to 想知道这句话所涉及的语法知识:we wouldn’t even have had the chance to get to know each other. 英语中 across 与thought 区别 The committee members propose that the plan()postponed for a few daysA to be B be C being D been The committee members propose that the plan is postponed for a few days.改错 that后是什么从句?The committee were unanimous that the application should be turned down The committee members agreed to the proposal that the issue __ to immediate voting.A)is to be put B)be put C)should put D)must be put 温暖的反义词是什么?和蔼的近义词是什么? although和thought的区别我的要求是、简洁、能看懂、