
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 20:42:11
为什么近义词叫同义词啊?因为意思一样的 why didnot you的同义词 Why的同义词组同义句Why do you like dumplings?How do you like dumplings? He thinks that reading loudly is a good way of learining English转换He thinks that reading loudly is a good way of learining EnglishHe thinks _____ is a good way to learn English _____ reading loudly 森林王子 THE JUNGLE BOOK怎么样 森林之王 (The Jungle Book)英国统治的印度的西北一个美丽森林中,有个被狼群养大的男孩,与森林中的各种动物成为亦师亦友的朋友,直到他遇到一位英国军官的女儿,带领他进入人类文明的社会, 森林王子2 THE JUNGLE BOOK 2怎么样 小野人.nes怎么过关里面英文名叫the jungle book Enjoy the book!翻译 英语翻译john ruskin 的 books 里面写的the good book of the hour怎么翻译啊? The nooks and crannies of a book are important and can make the book a good one.怎么翻译? Mr Green often_a_in the countryside.格林先生经常去乡下散步. What does your grandfather often do in the countryside?He often g------------ flowers. 为什么( 是( )是( )还是( (造句,我今天作业多,还有很多,) 我的世界时运和精准采集书怎样搞? 美口语中的awesome,如题, Will you been a little more considerate and turn down your music? Teach him to have faith in his own ideas,enven if everyone else tells him they are wrong.这句话的意思应该是“教他坚定自我信念,哪怕人人与否否认”,所以这句话的最后的they are wrong是不是应该是he is wrong啊. That joyride is frickin' awesome.请就joyride/frickin'(什么时候要加“'”/awesome详细解释 总统发表了一次演讲,其意思是国家将保护野生动物(to the effect) the it to用法谁给解释下不要复制的...!我是要它在英语中的用法 怎么去应用它..! 求关于一般后置、后置定语之类的的语法 something to the effect 1、a beautiful country 在句子中做什么成分;2、in the first row是地点状语么3、是后置定语么?The students sitting in the first row from the right of the theater are all from Norway,a beautiful country located in the northern Eur _____ the clouds ,you would find the airplane in the sky easily.A Had it not been for B If it were not C If it had not been for D Were it not for选什么?为什么? We can find something in the big roon改为一般疑问句 he is a girl it is my girl是不是病句 我的世界精准采集怎么弄 20世纪歌曲发展最大的变化体现在哪方面?求大神帮助 英文里“.com”的那一“.”是怎么念的?给个音标.一般念.com的时候那个点的念法应该是省略“t”的音吧 人类的主先是由哪种动物变化而来?从前并没有人类,它是一种动物变化而来的,这种动物因为以前曾经发生火灾,它们的吃的,住的,呆的都没有了,所以不得不下地劳动,所以就有了今天的我们