
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 22:05:00
sister-in -law 如何写“资本——帝国主义的入侵给中国带来了什么”的提纲 资本帝国主义的入侵给中国带来的正面影响具体 分点论述 his parents went to he cinema half an hour ago and they will be back ___about two hours求详细A after B in C on D for求详细 顺便翻译下 His parents went to the cinema half an hour ago and they will be back____about two hours.A.after B.in C.an D.for选B是吗、为什么选A不对? 骊歌 “长亭外,.唯有离别多.”表达了怎样的思想感情 He went to the cinema 和 He has gone to the cinema 的区别详细说明如果别人问他去那了?应该回答那一句 为什么 如果是where did he go?应该回答那句话如果回答是 he has gone to the cinema 应该怎么问? 骊歌的作者 资本帝国主义入侵究竟给中国带来了什么? 资本—帝国主义的侵略究竟给中国带来了什么?材料:有人说:“鸦片战争一声炮响,给中国带来了近代文明”,也有人说:“殖民主义在世界范围推动了现代化进程”,还有人说:“没有西方的 400字至500字假期见闻急要 谁给我二篇假期见闻?300字左右的谢谢通俗的那种只要300-350左右的啊> 谢谢 4.---Was __Peter,__played tennis well ,__helped the blind man cross the street?A.it; who; that B.which; that ; that C.who; which ; that D.it ; that; who为什么选A? 假期新见闻 400字 求假期见闻1500字. Dongdong,look1this picture.This is a 2 of a classroom.In the picture you can see some desk 3 chairs.On the blackboard,you can see a cat.A map is 4 the door.The room is different from 5 classroom.Under the 6 desk there is a ball.7 you can't see it.The be 后能不能直接加介词?the longest unbroken border in the world is that between canada and the united states 句中的后面的那个that 可以省略不? Was it Mary,___played the piano very well,___helped the old man cross the street?A.who;whichB.which;thatC.who;thatD.that;who The boy led the blind man by__arm to cross__street.A.an,the; B.the ,the; C.the ,a; D.an,a为什么选B,不选A,A错在哪里? This man was helped cross the f_ line这个句子填什么linefoot this is a picture______a “石又”下面加“口” 是什么字?“石又”下面加“口” 是什么字? 足字旁加个石字念什么? 今天上午的四级英语作文,我一开始就写成了靠顽强的意志才能戒烟,是不是跑题了,能多少分呢.其它部分感觉答得很一般,有希望过四级没啊,作文字数够了,语法也不错,句式也还行,能多少分啊 be puzzled 后面跟什么介词 BE后能加介词吗 法律上,未成年人的年龄界限是什么?有时候说是未满14岁,有时候又说是未满18岁,到底是怎么规定的? 英语翻译进入 这个地址 https://scgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?RegisterEnterInfo&_trksid=p5197.c0.m528 打开后把它翻译成中文,.英文看不懂啊.没法注册.没分了.给不了.汗,. Don‘t worry.I’ll (take care of)him.括号中的和A.look for B.look over C.look after哪一个是近义词 面谈时,我们不懂英文,要请翻译吗?签证官能用中文和我们谈吗? 怎样才能记牢人体必需氨基酸,有没口诀啊? 用英语改写:7月5日