
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 13:42:25
misty mystery 这首歌是什么故事,有什么意思我问的不是歌词,是整首歌要表达什么 Misty的意思 misty是什么词性?有什么作用?多雾的也是这个单词吗mist可以加y变为有雾的,还可以变为什么? 1.My father ____________just__________(come)back from work.He is tried now. 中国地震信息为什么动物比我们人类更敏感发生地震 中国地震信息网有吗? 迷雾森林用英语怎么说 为什么中国地震台只能在地震发生后发布信息 请问 Misty 英文怎么读? 荒野求生里面 贝尔说的“森林”用英语怎么说成是“江够”(音译)的啊,森林的英语不是forest吗?贝尔的这种说法我之前从没听说过,而且他在节目中经常用这个词而不是forest,有谁知道森林 forest除森林外还有什么意思? . Why do people need to play sports 用冠词a或an填空 It is .English car lt is.用冠词a或an填空It is .English carlt is.Japanese.carlt is.ltalian .carlt is.French.carlt is.American.carRobert is not.teacher She refused to answer questions ( ) her private life.A.concerning.B.She refused to answer questions ( ) her private life.A.concerning.B.concerned.C.was concerned in.D.is concerned with Only she 什么 ask him 什么 back. 中国地震多发地及原因与逃生措施有哪些?前一问需要需要详细回答,后一问拜托发挥广大网友智慧 Farmers need water to water the crops and vegetables.疑问句,否定句 SHE DID NOT SING BY DAY BUT SANG ONLY BY NIGFT翻译 是ask she to do 还是ask her to do 宾格还是主格?到底用什么? catch decide offer的第三人称,动词ing,过去时,过去分词 ( )the room is so dirty.____wu clean it?Of course.A.will B.would C.do D.shall 请问浮夸的英语怎么写 中国地震和智利火山爆发有没有关系? Do you think people need encouragement and praise?Why or why not?帮我想几句简单的英语句子, 英语口语考试.1-Do you think wealth people need to donate their money?2IQ&EQ的不同3-your opinion about adventure trips4-a story about your experience Who is _at the door?She asked,but get no answer Mrs Young is _____ tired,but she still has got ____ housework to do.A.too much;too many B.much too;too muchC.too much;too much D.much too;too many she()konw the answer,but I'm not sure.A.maybe B.may be C.may 为什么捏?我搞不明白他们的用法..请赐教哇, Mrs Young is ( )tired,but she still has got ( )housework to do A too much ;too manyB much too; too muchCtoo much; too muchDmuch too; too many Reading English in the morning is good learning English.learning English怎么理解?具体点 Reading English in--- morning is a good way to improve our EnglishA.a B.the 3.this 4.that 选哪个,为什么? Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good .这句话对吗?为什么是will do you为什么是WILL DO YOU?