
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 13:56:41
1:what an interesting story 还是 what interesting story 2:much和manyyoushenmex区别 I would like(A) my son to take over(B) the business(C) when l retired(D)哪个错了,怎么改? 我心中的那道风景 关于皇宫的网名关于皇宫里的网名,比如;妃子、臣妾、朕、本宫、冷宫什么的,越多越好 我心中的一处风景风景便可,可以是自然的或生活的.最好多给几个另外要像初中生写的 东汉刘秀有多少后宫 东汉的宫廷歌姬归那个部门管? 《只因生命有限》答案 生命是有限的那什么是无限的? 生命是有限的,而( )后面是什么? 有限生命是什么 firms that are international from inceptionare often led by entrepreneurs who are able to overcome not just the libilities of newness and size,but the liability of being foreign. 孙子兵法和孙膑兵法有什么区别? 哲学 判断对错 说理由~2道提(1)"既然时间是认识的来源,应次我必须事事亲自实践."这句话对不对,为什么?(2)"既然只有透过现象才能认识本质,因此,事物的现象是认识本质的障碍."这句话对不对, government monitoring can ensure that the firms are well aware of the moral and ethical stakes involved and do not lose sight of public interests while pursuing their goals. 前半句不会翻译,即government monitoring can ensure that the firms are 能用哲学观点说明为什么太绝对的观点往往是错的吗? 带仁的成语有哪些成语 含仁的成语有哪些 仁成语有哪些成语 请帮我看看这个题目起的对不对,语法上Identifing and evaluation of XXXXX: A Case Study of XXX总觉得不太对 off the 原句是he was certainly quick off the mark.尤其是这个短语,神马意思~ I was wrong very far off the mark You know many ladies look at many hats before they buy on and this makes salesmen very tiredYou know many ladies look at many hats before they buy one and this makes salesmen very tired这句话该从哪里着手解释 before they buy one 后加AN I'd like to comment on to some extent,such as...,【comment on to some extent】怎么理解?I'd like to comment on to some extent,such as...【comment on to some extent】怎么理解? 仁的成语有哪些 谁有的赏析和解释告诉我谢谢了 《送灵澈上人》这诗怎么赏析?根据名句来赏析. But sometimes the smoke and dust of the fray will conceal a matter of principle,even philosophy.用make people lose sight of the most fundamental considerations改写 白鹅的吃相是什么 白鹅为什么吃泥 这是什么谜语:天上白云轻轻飘,水中白鹅慢慢游,山上牛马吃草欢,桥上你我来回走 如何理解辩论程序?在庭审的辩论程序中,被告对原告的主张是否可以提出问题?让原告来回答? 辩论的过程是怎样体现的? 举个例子:是有问有答?还是各自陈述自己的主张?还有在辩论的过程中