
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:53:31
英语翻译Dear Linda,you are such a naughty girl.I do wanna say that gay and lesbian are not the kind of thing you think.You regard it interesting.I grant you but obviously I am kidding.Larry is a loyal friend to me.I guess I can never give him bac 英语翻译电影片名翻译为在中国的外国电影的传播具有重要的意义,不仅揭示剧情简洁的内容,也给人的美感,想象力感,激发了观众,让人们希望能看到它.(按论文规范语言,) 英语翻译Jules Vence:A man before his time 英语翻译1.普通房310的顾客反映说前台态度不好,客房设施差,维修工拖到现在还没来修,她们想要退房了,请你转告经理.2.顾客态度很强硬,坚持要见经理,否则会向上级投诉. 6m宽带具体什么意思?是一秒运行6兆吗? 给外国友人的一封信,急 英语翻译我的是once people fail in persisting with something,failure is what they will confront.知道意译的太远了.所以麻烦看看对不对,再给个好点的翻译 “我不能成为失败者”翻译成英文快点呗 —Where are going,Sam?—I’m going to the park.的合并句 Mrs Smith made a phone call to my mother yesterday evening.But she_______(not,be)in.Mrs Smith made a phone call to my mother yesterday evening,but she_______(not,be)in.怎么填?为什么?为什么不用didn’t? Mrs Smith is f____ to me ,and she often helps me. 滔滔不绝是褒义词还是贬义词? 高中学数学买什么工具书好?有什么工具书介绍得比较详细吗? 高中最好的英语工具书我英语基础薄弱,初中的时候就不好,我现在上了高中了,我怕英语会拉我的后退,我在广告上看见了哪个名师兵法说那书很有用,但是又有人告诉我不好,我现在很郁闷,想请 初中与高中工具书有哪些要是一些详细的书,要常见的.!快! 英语翻译由于外国朋友的母语不是英文所以这封信里面可能夹杂了一些其他单词,所以翻译起来有点麻烦,希望朋友们帮帮忙,帮我看看,分不多,都给你,Hello brother and all familj I was with e-mail with the 英语翻译由于外国朋友的母语不是英文所以这封信里面可能夹杂了一些其他单词,所以翻译起来有点麻烦,希望朋友们帮帮忙,帮我看看,分不多,都给你,Hello brother and all familj I was with e-mail with the 有一封国外的来信去哪翻译靠谱? 为什么FACEBOOK在中国大陆不能用? 英语翻译由于外国朋友的母语不是英文所以这封信里面可能夹杂了一些其他单词,所以翻译起来有点麻烦,希望朋友们帮帮忙,帮我看看,分不多,都给你,Hello brother and all familj I was with e-mail with the 中国大陆能使用Facebook 两个英语连词造句的问题!1.stayed,she,with,grandpa,her,yesterday2.it,China,take,not,you,to,can the sun shines brightly in the sky,___us light and heatgiving having givento giveso that give In summer I wear s_____ because the sun shines brightly. 工具书购买我想给孩子(小学)买新华词典、成语词典、英汉互译词典等工具书,不知哪种好,请给介绍一下,还有在哪里买便宜(具体地址),可以打几折(最好是正版的). 提高工具书寿命老厚的工具书,经常摊开用,感觉要撕破 going every to I'm day run怎么拼成一句完整的英语句子 介绍一种农作物或经济作物的种植过程 陕西粮食作物是什么 形容词副词填空、I think my car is as ___(nice)as youes.This box is the ___(heavy)of the three.Lesson One is much ___(easy) than Lesson Two.I feel much ___(ill)today.I think maths is the ___(difficult)subject of all.Winter is the ___(cold)seas 一、按要求转换句型.1、He is going to take a photo in the park.改为复数句:2、Janet is going to(see a film) tomorrow.用what对括号部分提问:3、I am going to visit my uncle this Sunday.改为一般疑问句:作肯定回答 He is going to take a photo in the park.改成复数句_________________________________.